October 1, 1949: Mao Zedong Proclaims the People’s Republic of China October 1, 1949: Mao Zedong Proclaims the People’s Republic of China
“The sooner we and the other Western powers take the plunge and recognize the new government, the better it will be both for China and for the West.”
Oct 1, 2015 / Richard Kreitner

September 30, 2005: Cartoons of the Prophet Muhammed Appear in a Danish Newspaper September 30, 2005: Cartoons of the Prophet Muhammed Appear in a Danish Newspaper
“The cartoon scandal is about much more than freedom of speech. At its heart the controversy is about power.”
Sep 30, 2015 / Richard Kreitner

September 29, 1938: The Munich Agreement Brings ‘Peace in Our Time’… September 29, 1938: The Munich Agreement Brings ‘Peace in Our Time’…
“Forget for a moment the fate of the Czechs; consider instead the fate of Europe.”
Sep 29, 2015 / Richard Kreitner

September 28, 2000: Ariel Sharon Visits the Temple Mount, Sparking the Second Intifada September 28, 2000: Ariel Sharon Visits the Temple Mount, Sparking the Second Intifada
“A new sense may actually be dawning that only a mass movement against Israeli apartheid (similar to South Africa’s) will work.”
Sep 28, 2015 / Richard Kreitner

September 27, 1996: The Taliban Conquers Kabul September 27, 1996: The Taliban Conquers Kabul
“American responsibility for recent events in Afghanistan is greater than Administration officials pretend.”
Sep 27, 2015 / Richard Kreitner

September 26, 1888: T.S. Eliot Is Born September 26, 1888: T.S. Eliot Is Born
“Even the creative imagination, hallucination and vision have atrophied, so that water shall never again be struck from a rock in the desert.”
Sep 26, 2015 / Richard Kreitner

September 25, 1962: Algeria Declares Independence From France September 25, 1962: Algeria Declares Independence From France
“If there is trouble ahead, it can hardly be as bad as the trouble that has been left behind.”
Sep 25, 2015 / Richard Kreitner

September 24, 1964: The Warren Commission Delivers Its Final Report to President Lyndon Johnson September 24, 1964: The Warren Commission Delivers Its Final Report to President Lyndon Johnson
“Only those who for whatever reasons of personal or political myopia cannot bring themselves to face reality will continue to think that the tragedy was proximately the work of mor...
Sep 24, 2015 / Richard Kreitner

September 23, 1952: Richard Nixon Makes the ‘Checkers’ Speech to Save His Vice-Presidential Candidacy September 23, 1952: Richard Nixon Makes the ‘Checkers’ Speech to Save His Vice-Presidential Candidacy
“If the people are really as dumb as you think they are, you may some day be President of the United States.”
Sep 23, 2015 / Richard Kreitner

September 22, 1980: Iraq Invades Iran, Beginning the 20th Century’s Longest Conventional War September 22, 1980: Iraq Invades Iran, Beginning the 20th Century’s Longest Conventional War
“Washington’s response to the situation has been naïvely serene.”
Sep 22, 2015 / Richard Kreitner