July 7, 1981: Reagan Nominates Sandra Day O’Connor for the Supreme Court July 7, 1981: Reagan Nominates Sandra Day O’Connor for the Supreme Court
"For the highest court in the land he has picked a person, barely qualified for the post, almost entirely because of her sex."
Jul 7, 2015 / Richard Kreitner

July 6, 1865: The First Issue of ‘The Nation’ Is Published July 6, 1865: The First Issue of ‘The Nation’ Is Published
“The week has been singularly barren of exciting events.”
Jul 6, 2015 / Richard Kreitner

What Would Our Founder, Frederick Law Olmsted, Think of TheNation.com? What Would Our Founder, Frederick Law Olmsted, Think of TheNation.com?
Olmsted’s original mission statement for The Nation ridiculed daily newspapers in language that applies to much Internet journalism today.
Jul 6, 2015 / Richard Kreitner

July 5, 1996: Dolly the Sheep Is Born, the First Mammal Produced by Cloning July 5, 1996: Dolly the Sheep Is Born, the First Mammal Produced by Cloning
“Do we really want to manufacture animals on the assembly line and look on them not as live organisms but as relatively cheap factories that can yield profitable products?”
Jul 5, 2015 / Richard Kreitner

Mayor Bill de Blasio Declares July 6, 2015, ‘Nation Day’ Mayor Bill de Blasio Declares July 6, 2015, ‘Nation Day’
New York’s mayor has excellent taste.
Jul 5, 2015 / The Editors

July 4, 1776: The Declaration of Independence Is Published July 4, 1776: The Declaration of Independence Is Published
"We celebrate, in short, not simply the national independence, or the return of peace, but the close of the agitation about slavery, and the extinction of slavery itself."
Jul 4, 2015 / Richard Kreitner

July 3, 1860: Charlotte Perkins Gilman Is Born July 3, 1860: Charlotte Perkins Gilman Is Born
“Every country must sooner or later confront the same alternatives: crowd and starve, fight and die, or limit the population.”
Jul 3, 2015 / Richard Kreitner

July 2, 1964: President Lyndon Johnson Signs the Civil Rights Act July 2, 1964: President Lyndon Johnson Signs the Civil Rights Act
"The legislation will provide a framework of achievable goals within which agitation, demonstrations and picketing will tend to take place."
Jul 2, 2015 / Richard Kreitner

July 1, 1867: Canada Is Created July 1, 1867: Canada Is Created
"The dominion of Canada is formally in existence, to the great satisfaction of the politicians who infest the provinces, if of nobody else."
Jul 1, 2015 / Richard Kreitner

June 30, 1936: Margaret Mitchell’s ‘Gone with the Wind’ Is Published June 30, 1936: Margaret Mitchell’s ‘Gone with the Wind’ Is Published
"Margaret Mitchell gives us our Civil War through Southern eyes exclusively, and no tolerant philosophy illumines the crimes of the invaders."
Jun 30, 2015 / Richard Kreitner