
The Danger in Ukraine

The Danger in Ukraine The Danger in Ukraine

A blowup over the crisis in Kiev is the last thing that Obama needs.

Dec 11, 2013 / Bob Dreyfuss

A Cruel, Irresponsible and Dysfunctional Budget Deal

A Cruel, Irresponsible and Dysfunctional Budget Deal A Cruel, Irresponsible and Dysfunctional Budget Deal

Budget negotiators are patting themselves on the back. But what they've agreed to is a lousy deal for jobless workers, federal employees, military personnel and the economy.

Dec 11, 2013 / John Nichols

Vote on Afghanistan War Extension Won’t Be In Defense Bill

Vote on Afghanistan War Extension Won’t Be In Defense Bill Vote on Afghanistan War Extension Won’t Be In Defense Bill

Congress likely won’t consider a measure to hold a vote on extending the war--but the fight isn't over. 

Dec 10, 2013 / George Zornick

Chicago’s ‘Smart Card’ Debacle and Privatisation

Chicago’s ‘Smart Card’ Debacle and Privatisation Chicago’s ‘Smart Card’ Debacle and Privatisation

Chicago’s commitment of almost half a billion dollars to privatize its transit fare collections sweated greed from every pore—and it doesn’t even work.

Dec 10, 2013 / Rick Perlstein

Nelson Mandela and His Cause Weren’t Always Revered in the US

Nelson Mandela and His Cause Weren’t Always Revered in the US Nelson Mandela and His Cause Weren’t Always Revered in the US

Everyone’s lining up to pay tribute to Mandela; but in the Reagan era, many were close to the apartheid regime.

Dec 10, 2013 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

Could John Boehner’s New Immigration Strategist Actually Pass Some Reforms?

Could John Boehner’s New Immigration Strategist Actually Pass Some Reforms? Could John Boehner’s New Immigration Strategist Actually Pass Some Reforms?

Becky Tallent’s piecemeal approach to immigration reform may appeal to congressmen, but will it ever appeal to voters?

Dec 10, 2013 / Jessica Weisberg

Nelson Mandela’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Nelson Mandela’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights Nelson Mandela’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights

The anti-apartheid hero asked world leaders to “have the courage to ensure that, at last, we build a human world consistent with the provisions of that historic Declaration.&...

Dec 10, 2013 / John Nichols

The Republican Holiday To-do List

The Republican Holiday To-do List The Republican Holiday To-do List

Nothing says holiday cheer like cutting food stamps and unemployment benefits!

Dec 9, 2013 / Tom Tomorrow

How Inequality Became as American as Apple Pie

How Inequality Became as American as Apple Pie How Inequality Became as American as Apple Pie

The difference between President Obama and Mayor-elect de Blasio lies not in how they view inequality but in how they plan to fight it.

Dec 9, 2013 / Jessica Weisberg

Mandela’s Uses of Sports: Resistance, Reconciliation and Rebranding

Mandela’s Uses of Sports: Resistance, Reconciliation and Rebranding Mandela’s Uses of Sports: Resistance, Reconciliation and Rebranding

Nelson Mandela’s history with the sports world is both more complicated and more challenging than meets the eye.

Dec 9, 2013 / Dave Zirin
