
Rep. John Lewis: ‘The Voting Rights Act Is Needed Now Like Never Before’

Rep. John Lewis: ‘The Voting Rights Act Is Needed Now Like Never Before’ Rep. John Lewis: ‘The Voting Rights Act Is Needed Now Like Never Before’

Congress held its first hearing on the Voting Rights Act today, as states rush to implement new voter suppression laws.

Jul 17, 2013 / Ari Berman

Apps (and Maps) to End Sexual Violence

Apps (and Maps) to End Sexual Violence Apps (and Maps) to End Sexual Violence

The advent of smart phones and social media has generated applications, some of them free, to prevent sexual violence.

Jul 17, 2013 / Salamishah Tillet

Savoring Small Victories in the Fight to Rein in Wall Street

Savoring Small Victories in the Fight to Rein in Wall Street Savoring Small Victories in the Fight to Rein in Wall Street

Elizabeth Warren celebrates the confirmation of Richard Cordray to head of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.

Jul 17, 2013 / Chris Hayes

A New Season for Reform

A New Season for Reform A New Season for Reform

Dodd-Frank didn’t succeed in putting an end to “too big to fail” banks, but a new bill to restore the Glass-Steagall Act might.

Jul 17, 2013 / William Greider

Who Should Fund Alt-Labor?

Who Should Fund Alt-Labor? Who Should Fund Alt-Labor?

With unions in crisis, alternative labor groups have seen explosive growth. Without automatic dues deduction, how should they pay the bills?

Jul 17, 2013 / Josh Eidelson

Outrage Is Rising Against Stand Your Ground

Outrage Is Rising Against Stand Your Ground Outrage Is Rising Against Stand Your Ground

Attorney General Holder, civil rights groups, legislators and newspapers seek a reconsideration of “shoot first” laws—and Stevie Wonder won't play "Stand...

Jul 17, 2013 / John Nichols

Charles Koch on the Poor: Let Them Eat Economic Freedom

Charles Koch on the Poor: Let Them Eat Economic Freedom Charles Koch on the Poor: Let Them Eat Economic Freedom

Just give free-market ideology a few seconds of your time and you, too, can join the 1 percent!

Jul 16, 2013 / Leslie Savan

The Eye on the Pyramids (Part 2: Bushed)

The Eye on the Pyramids (Part 2: Bushed) The Eye on the Pyramids (Part 2: Bushed)

The scammers of the ‘multi-level marketing’ industry were on their way to being shut down in the 1990s—and then a Republican came to the White House.

Jul 16, 2013 / Rick Perlstein

Fear and Consequences: George Zimmerman and the Protection of White Womanhood

Fear and Consequences: George Zimmerman and the Protection of White Womanhood Fear and Consequences: George Zimmerman and the Protection of White Womanhood

White women are taught to fear men of color, but the results of George Zimmerman’s trial prove that it’s time to change that.

Jul 16, 2013 / Jessica Valenti

Huge Victory on Filibuster Will Be Tested Soon

Huge Victory on Filibuster Will Be Tested Soon Huge Victory on Filibuster Will Be Tested Soon

Democrats won big on the filibuster—but will Mel Watt get an up-or-down vote?

Jul 16, 2013 / George Zornick
