SNL Mocks ISIS, Boehner Mocks His Ultras, and It’s All Pretty Funny SNL Mocks ISIS, Boehner Mocks His Ultras, and It’s All Pretty Funny
Sharia’s coming to get you.
Mar 4, 2015 / Leslie Savan

The GED Is Now Harder to Take—And Harder to Pass The GED Is Now Harder to Take—And Harder to Pass
Who benefits from a high school equivalency exam that judges nothing better than how well you'll do on the exam?
Mar 4, 2015 / Michelle Chen

How Ferguson, Missouri, Uses Cops and the Courts to Prey on Its Residents How Ferguson, Missouri, Uses Cops and the Courts to Prey on Its Residents
A “scathing” report from the Department of Justice traces discriminatory policing back to the city’s reliance on the fines that accompany tickets and arrests.
Mar 4, 2015 / Zoë Carpenter

Clinton’s E-mail Mess Shows We Need a Primary, Not a Coronation Clinton’s E-mail Mess Shows We Need a Primary, Not a Coronation
It’s way too early to bet the future of the country on the Clintons’ ability to avoid scandal.
Mar 4, 2015 / Michelle Goldberg

Gabby Giffords Returns to Capitol Hill to Push Background Checks Gabby Giffords Returns to Capitol Hill to Push Background Checks
The gun-control debate may have receded from memory, but advocates are still pushing Congress to take action.
Mar 4, 2015 / George Zornick

How a Grassroots Movement Could Kick the US Marines Out of Okinawa How a Grassroots Movement Could Kick the US Marines Out of Okinawa
Okinawans have voted overwhelmingly to close a key US forward base in Asia.
Mar 4, 2015 / Tim Shorrock

The True Purpose of Netanyahu’s Trip to Washington The True Purpose of Netanyahu’s Trip to Washington
Hint: it’s not to pressure the US into striking a better deal with Iran.
Mar 3, 2015 / Juan Cole

Administration Admits Vague Language in Obama’s AUMF Is ‘Very Deliberate’ Administration Admits Vague Language in Obama’s AUMF Is ‘Very Deliberate’
A top defense official says the lack of geographic limits was “very deliberate” and could be used to fight a worldwide war against “extremism.”
Mar 3, 2015 / George Zornick

Say It Ain’t So, Jeb Say It Ain’t So, Jeb
Jeb Bush’s "growth agenda" is not actually going to create growth.
Mar 3, 2015 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

We Need a Leader With a Superiority Complex We Need a Leader With a Superiority Complex
If you don’t think we’re better than the rest of the planet, what are you doing in office?
Mar 3, 2015 / Tom Tomorrow