
ICE’s Latest Stop for Deportations: The DMV

ICE’s Latest Stop for Deportations: The DMV ICE’s Latest Stop for Deportations: The DMV

A Freedom of Information Act Request reveals that immigration agents were instructed to search DMV records to target immigrants. 

Feb 15, 2013 / Aura Bogado

Senator Harry Reid, D-Fool Me Twice

Senator Harry Reid, D-Fool Me Twice Senator Harry Reid, D-Fool Me Twice

The Senate majority leader says it's “shocking” that Republicans are blocking Hagel. Really? What did he think would happen when he blocked filibuster reform?

Feb 15, 2013 / John Nichols

Oh Yoko! Ms. Ono at 80

Oh Yoko! Ms. Ono at 80 Oh Yoko! Ms. Ono at 80

Yoko’s 80th birthday is a day to celebrate her art, music and activism.

Feb 15, 2013 / Jon Wiener

Sanders, Boxer Outline ‘Gold Standard’ Climate Bill

Sanders, Boxer Outline ‘Gold Standard’ Climate Bill Sanders, Boxer Outline ‘Gold Standard’ Climate Bill

A price on carbon would fund investments in clean energy under the new plan. 

Feb 14, 2013 / George Zornick

Hamas? What Hamas? Hamas? What Hamas?

Liberals concerned with Israel often miss the inconvenient fact of the radical Palestinian organization's human rights abuses in the Gaza Strip. Reed Richardson also writes abo...

Feb 14, 2013 / Eric Alterman and Reed Richardson

White People Have to Give Up Racism

White People Have to Give Up Racism White People Have to Give Up Racism

It's the only real solution to deaths like those of Trayvon Martin and Rodgrio Diaz. 

Feb 14, 2013 / Mychal Denzel Smith

Nothing New Under the Wingnut Sun: A Coming Preschool Backlash?

Nothing New Under the Wingnut Sun: A Coming Preschool Backlash? Nothing New Under the Wingnut Sun: A Coming Preschool Backlash?

In his State of the Union, Obama naively proposed universal preschool as a conservative idea. Conservatives will not agree.

Feb 14, 2013 / Rick Perlstein

One Billion Rising

One Billion Rising One Billion Rising

After breaking the silence around physical violence against women, will the global mobilization take on the economy?

Feb 14, 2013 / Laura Flanders

Iran’s Supreme Leader: Get the Gun Out of Our Face, and We’ll Negotiate

Iran’s Supreme Leader: Get the Gun Out of Our Face, and We’ll Negotiate Iran’s Supreme Leader: Get the Gun Out of Our Face, and We’ll Negotiate

Is Washington negotiating in “good faith” given its sanctions, espionage and two wars in the region?

Feb 14, 2013 / Bob Dreyfuss

Does Marco Rubio’s Lunge for the Water Bottle Matter? Does Marco Rubio’s Lunge for the Water Bottle Matter?

Yes, but only because his policies are all wet.

Feb 14, 2013 / Leslie Savan
