Scott Brown Is Lying About His Reproductive Rights Record Scott Brown Is Lying About His Reproductive Rights Record
In a new ad, the Republican Senator pretends that he is pro-choice, when his record is anything but.
Sep 14, 2012 / George Zornick
Newest GOP National Security Attack on Obama: He Reads Newest GOP National Security Attack on Obama: He Reads
Conservatives are complaining that sometimes President Obama reads intelligence briefings instead of getting them in person. How did George W. Bush handle it?
Sep 14, 2012 / Ben Adler
Ex–Blue Dogs, Defeated by Secret Money, Mount Their Own K Street Front Ex–Blue Dogs, Defeated by Secret Money, Mount Their Own K Street Front
Blue Dog Democrats were wiped out in the midterm elections by secret-money funds controlled by lobbyists. Now, defeated Blue Dogs are working for the same K Street interests and ma...
Sep 13, 2012 / Lee Fang
Neoconjobs Neoconjobs
The Obama administration's quiet reponse to a 2010 bombing in Georgia contrasts with the macho foreign policy vision Mitt demonstrated with his response to riots in the Arab world ...
Sep 13, 2012 / Eric Alterman
Political Wives of the GOP Political Wives of the GOP
In the Republican Party, being a leading lady means loving your supporting role.
Sep 13, 2012 / Jessica Valenti
‘Nightmare’ Pennsylvania Voter ID Law Revisited in Court ‘Nightmare’ Pennsylvania Voter ID Law Revisited in Court
Will Pennsylvania be the next major swing state where a restrictive voting law is struck down by the courts?
Sep 13, 2012 / Ari Berman
Two Lockouts, a Strike and a Pizza Two Lockouts, a Strike and a Pizza
Chicago teachers, NFL referees and NHL players have one thing in common: they are learning that there are two sets of rules in twenty-first-century America.
Sep 13, 2012 / Dave Zirin
Welcome to ‘Poverty Day’: The One Time of Year When America Cares About the Poor Welcome to ‘Poverty Day’: The One Time of Year When America Cares About the Poor
We need to stop looking at poverty as a separate phenomenon from the rest of the economy—an economy with a proliferation of low-wage jobs and a weak and inequitable recovery.
Sep 13, 2012 / Greg Kaufmann
Romney’s Fatal Libya Blunder Romney’s Fatal Libya Blunder
Can you imagine this man in the White House?
Sep 13, 2012 / Bob Dreyfuss
Romney-Ryan Prep School Fantasies: Wrong About Teachers… and Parents Romney-Ryan Prep School Fantasies: Wrong About Teachers… and Parents
66 percent of Chicago parents back teachers and their union, while Romney-Ryan back wrongheaded Rahm Emmanel—and the fantasy that parents don't like public education.
Sep 13, 2012 / John Nichols