
Job Numbers Are Up, but Veterans Are Left Behind Job Numbers Are Up, but Veterans Are Left Behind

While the private sector is adding jobs, few of them are going to the people that fought in Iraq and Afghanistan. 

Jan 6, 2012 / George Zornick

NFL Players Association Puts Out Statement Against Indiana’s ‘Right-to-Work’ Agenda NFL Players Association Puts Out Statement Against Indiana’s ‘Right-to-Work’ Agenda

The Super Bowl is coming to Indianapolis in a month, and the NFLPA is not being silent about the Right to Work agenda in the statehouse,

Jan 6, 2012 / Dave Zirin

Iowa and the High Cost of Low Living Iowa and the High Cost of Low Living

 Eric on winter concerts and Reed on why the Iowa caucuses are bad for journalism.

Jan 6, 2012 / Eric Alterman

Huntsman: The Better Foreign Policy Alternative to Paul Huntsman: The Better Foreign Policy Alternative to Paul

Many on the left have fallen for Ron Paul’s non-interventionism. But there’s a Republican with a more responsible approach: Jon Huntsman. 

Jan 6, 2012 / Ben Adler

No Ideals or Ideas From Romney, Just a ‘Well-Designed Corporate Strategy’ No Ideals or Ideas From Romney, Just a ‘Well-Designed Corporate Strategy’

The paper that knows Romney best, the Boston Globe, dismisses him as a blank slate who is “merely checking boxes on the GOP playlist.”

Jan 6, 2012 / John Nichols

Cesar Chavez and the Farmworkers: What Went Wrong? Cesar Chavez and the Farmworkers: What Went Wrong?

The UFW had two souls—the strike, and the boycott. 

Jan 5, 2012 / Jon Wiener

Santorum’s Empty Rhetoric of Economic Populism Santorum’s Empty Rhetoric of Economic Populism

Liberals should not fall for Rick Santorum’s phony presentation as someone who cares about—or would do anything for—working-class Americans. 

Jan 5, 2012 / Ben Adler

Pity Tim Tebow. Seriously. Pity Tim Tebow. Seriously.

Tim Tebow might not be a qb much longer, a victim of his own supporters.

Jan 5, 2012 / Dave Zirin

Cordray Expands CFPB Oversight and Promises A Tough Approach Cordray Expands CFPB Oversight and Promises A Tough Approach

On his first day on the job, Richard Cordray expanded the scope of the CFPB’s regulations to include many highly predatory financial outfits. 

Jan 5, 2012 / George Zornick

Talking With the Taliban Talking With the Taliban

Time for a cease-fire. 

Jan 5, 2012 / Bob Dreyfuss
