
The Plight Of Iraq’s Refugees The Plight Of Iraq’s Refugees

Conservatives had a tendency to attribute the all of the reduction of violence in Iraq to the increase in US troops. But one of the most overlooked stories of Iraq is the massive ...

Jul 24, 2008 / Chris Hayes

Maliki the Thug Maliki the Thug

The current Iraqi prime minister, Nouri al-Maliki, is in the news lately over his endorsement of Barack Obama's plan for withdrawing troops on a sixteen-month timetable, but yeste...

Jul 24, 2008 / Bob Dreyfuss

John McCain’s Private Language Problem John McCain’s Private Language Problem

So John McCain now says the "surge" means all of the counter insurgency techniques deployed in Iraq and not just the increase (or "surge") in troops. This not only does violence t...

Jul 24, 2008 / Chris Hayes

Why Air Travel Sucks: An Explanation Why Air Travel Sucks: An Explanation

So I've been on a bit of a jag about how awful flying is. I've flown four of the last eight weeks and every single return trip has had some very significant problems: three cancel...

Jul 23, 2008 / Chris Hayes

Obama Sets the Right Middle East Peace Timeline Obama Sets the Right Middle East Peace Timeline

When I interviewed former President Carter about how to pursue and achieve peace in the Middle East, he made two essential points. First: "It is possible for an American Presiden...

Jul 23, 2008 / John Nichols

“I Didn’ Know I Hit Him” “I Didn’ Know I Hit Him”

More on Novak's hit and run: Bono said that after being hit the pedestrian was "splayed up onto the windshield and hood." The driver then turned right onto the K Street service l...

Jul 23, 2008 / Chris Hayes

Irony Alert Irony Alert

Bush To Address GOP Convention On Labor Day Wonder if he'll work in some praise for the Pinkertons.

Jul 23, 2008 / Chris Hayes

Back in the USSR Back in the USSR

Two news items this week underline the cost of the Bush Administration's bungling anti-Russia policy. Both relate to Russian activity in its old stomping ground in America's Latin...

Jul 23, 2008 / Bob Dreyfuss

Send Karl Rove to Jail Send Karl Rove to Jail

Karl Rove has spent a career putting politics before due process, democracy and civil rights. So it's not surprising that when recently faced with a subpoena from Congress, Rove r...

Jul 22, 2008 / Peter Rothberg

Rethinking Afghanistan Rethinking Afghanistan

If elected, Senator Barack Obama has the possibility of reengaging with a world that seeks an America which isn't defined by Abu Ghraib or Guantanamo – but by the democratic ide...

Jul 22, 2008 / Katrina vanden Heuvel
