McClellan Will Testify, But Will Congress Act? McClellan Will Testify, But Will Congress Act?
Scott McClellan is the John Dean of the Bush-Cheney administration -- an in-the-know White House aide who has begun to provide the details of high crimes and misdemeanors committe...
Jun 9, 2008 / John Nichols
Revenge of the Neo-Liberals Revenge of the Neo-Liberals
The Obama campaign announced today it was bringing Jason Furman on board as an economic policy adviser. Furman's smart, and generally well respected and I don't begrudge him his n...
Jun 9, 2008 / Chris Hayes
The Unique Reality of Condi Rice The Unique Reality of Condi Rice
In case you missed it--or, if you didn't miss it, in case you didn't have the energy to read the entire 9,000 words--Condoleezza Rice's interminable lead article in the current is...
Jun 9, 2008 / Bob Dreyfuss
Clinton and Obama Reverse Roles Clinton and Obama Reverse Roles
Usually, it is the plucky outsider, the determined dissenter, the underdog who did not quite make it, who has to swallow hard and tell cheering supporters that they will have to s...
Jun 7, 2008 / John Nichols
A Day at the NCMR A Day at the NCMR
UPDATE: If you missed the webcast of Bill Moyers' speech this morning, scroll to the end of this post to watch the highlights on YouTube. I'm writing from the cavernous Minnea...
Jun 7, 2008 / Peter Rothberg
Hillary Clinton Versus Shirley Chisholm Hillary Clinton Versus Shirley Chisholm
It is suggested by some of her more ardent advocates that Hillary Clinton should merely suspend, rather than formally finish, her presidential campaign. Then she could retain the ...
Jun 7, 2008 / John Nichols
Attention Jewish Voters: You’re Getting Played by an Anti-Semite Attention Jewish Voters: You’re Getting Played by an Anti-Semite
UPDATED WITH A LETTER FROM ANDY MARTIN Addressing AIPAC the other day, Barack Obama began with a joke about the emails have circulated, particularly in Jewish social circles that...
Jun 6, 2008 / Chris Hayes
“Street Organizer” “Street Organizer”
J Street reader PS emails a link to the RNC's new oppo site on Obama called "Meet Barack Obama." (You can Google it. I'm not gonna dignify it with a link.) He notes their descript...
Jun 6, 2008 / Chris Hayes
Taking On Inequality Taking On Inequality
In December, I wroteabout Robert Greenwald's attempt to mobilize outrage against GildedAge-like inequality and the hedge-funders with his War on Greedseries of short films. Now, ...
Jun 6, 2008 / Katrina vanden Heuvel
Quote of the Day Quote of the Day
Ready for some Straight Talk TM ? Asked whether the views Mr. Holtz-Eakin imputed to Mr. McCain were inaccurate, Mr. Bounds did not repudiate the statement. But late Thursday Mr...
Jun 6, 2008 / Chris Hayes