Afternoon Links Afternoon Links
Sorry for a brief hiatus on my part: was traveling and then on deadline. Some more developed thoughts about last night's results TK, but really, the dynamics of the race remain un...
Apr 23, 2008 / Chris Hayes
Chaos? Not In Pennsylvania Chaos? Not In Pennsylvania
There was a ridiculous amount of hype about right-wing talk-radio personality Rush Limbaugh's campaign to get conservative voters to switch their party registration and vote in th...
Apr 23, 2008 / John Nichols
Obama and Mellencamp, But Where’s Edwards? Obama and Mellencamp, But Where’s Edwards?
Barack Obama will leave Pennsylvania tomorrow in search of some small-town cred. And he should not have to search for it alone. The senator from Illinois could really use an end...
Apr 22, 2008 / John Nichols
Pentagon Propaganda Pundits Pentagon Propaganda Pundits
As posts on this site by Katrina vanden Heuvel and Ari Melber outline, yesterday's New York Times' front-page piece convincingly exposed the Pentagon's propaganda machine, its con...
Apr 21, 2008 / Peter Rothberg
Of Sludge and Syphilis Of Sludge and Syphilis
Note: This report has been updated. From the AP, a nausea-inducing report about how in 2005, federally funded researchers spread human and industrial waste in the yards of a poor...
Apr 21, 2008 / Chris Hayes
This Week on Tap This Week on Tap
This week, the House takes steps to reduce contractor fraud as it considers HR5712, which requires contractors to alert the federal government when one of its agents violates fede...
Apr 21, 2008 / Chris Hayes
Obama Sweeps Newspaper Endorsements Obama Sweeps Newspaper Endorsements
Even in this era of "new media," the oldest media matters -- in fact, it may matter more than ever. In Pennsylvania, a state where most of the political machinery statewide and i...
Apr 21, 2008 / John Nichols
Decoys, Countermeasures and Deception Decoys, Countermeasures and Deception
In Congress last week, Representative John Tierney, Chair of the House National Security and Foreign Affairs Subcommittee, convened the latter in a series of hearings to examine t...
Apr 20, 2008 / Katrina vanden Heuvel
Friday Capitol Letter Friday Capitol Letter
In the House....Former Tanzanian president Julius Nyerere once asked, "Must we starve our children to pay our debts?" Two decades later, given Africa's crushing $260-billion debt,...
Apr 18, 2008 / Chris Hayes
Dem Debate Blues Dem Debate Blues
If you were lucky enough to have missed Wednesday's debate, then, yes, it really was as bad as everyone is saying. Here's the transcript and here's a good video summary prepared b...
Apr 18, 2008 / Peter Rothberg