
Modern Slavery in Immokalee Modern Slavery in Immokalee

Bernie Sanders (D-Vt.) sat alone at an otherwise empty dais during today's Senate hearing on Immokalee tomato pickers, asking questions he already knew the answers to. For months...

Apr 15, 2008 / Chris Hayes

It’s Not Just Obama’s Charisma It’s Not Just Obama’s Charisma

It's already become cliche to talk about Election 08 as a coming out party for youthful America. As anyone with even cursory interest knows, young people have been voting in the p...

Apr 15, 2008 / Peter Rothberg

J Street on J Street J Street on J Street

Shortly after we unveiled our new blog here at the Washington bureau, I got a panicked call from Jeremy Ben-Ami, who was in the midst of organizing a new, pro-Israel, pro-peace or...

Apr 15, 2008 / Chris Hayes

The Pope and the President The Pope and the President

George Bush is certainly not the first American president to try and take advantage of a timely papal meeting to advance himself and his agenda. Pope Benedict XVI, who arrives to...

Apr 15, 2008 / John Nichols

Obama ‘Gets It’ on Trade Obama ‘Gets It’ on Trade

Maybe being accused of being an "elitist" is a good thing. After taking hits from Democratic primary foe Hillary Clinton and presumptive Republican presidential nominee John McCa...

Apr 14, 2008 / John Nichols

This Week On Tap This Week On Tap

This week, the House votes on a tax-filing simplification act, a bill to increase student access to federal loans (USSA evaluation here), whether to allow up to 24 developing coun...

Apr 14, 2008 / Chris Hayes

“Skin in the Game” “Skin in the Game”

Rahm Emmanuel on those lazy Iraqis: "We've put about $45 billion into Iraq's reconstruction . . . and they have not spent their own resources...They have got to have some skin in...

Apr 14, 2008 / Chris Hayes

Cheney, Torture and the Chance to Restore the Rule of Law Cheney, Torture and the Chance to Restore the Rule of Law

The Constitution of the United States is absolutely clear when it comes to matters of torture. Amendment 8 specifically states that,"Excessive bail shall not be required, nor exc...

Apr 12, 2008 / John Nichols

Friday Capitol Letter Friday Capitol Letter

In the Senate...On Thursday, members passed the Foreclosure Prevention Act by an 84-12 vote, though the bill -- as Sen. Dodd gently put it -- "does not quite live up to the title....

Apr 11, 2008 / Chris Hayes

Fighting for the Franchise Fighting for the Franchise

National syndicated radio host, Tom Joyner, appeared before the House Administration Committee on Wednesday, testifyingon continuing voting problems as documented by his 1-866-MY-...

Apr 11, 2008 / Katrina vanden Heuvel
