
Rush to Pass This Bill Rush to Pass This Bill

Today, while Congress listens to the latest spin from the Bush Administration on "democracy building" in Iraq, an important pro-democracy effort continues to be waged at home by R...

Apr 8, 2008 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

Petraeus, Crocker, McCain, Clinton, Obama and… Petraeus, Crocker, McCain, Clinton, Obama and…

Sure, Arizona Senator John McCain's campaign may still be selling him as some kind of "maverick" or "independent thinker" -- and most of the media may still be buying that ridicul...

Apr 8, 2008 / John Nichols

Quote of the Day Quote of the Day

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) on Iraq, at a rally before this morning's Armed Services hearing: "The only thing between us and winning is the Congress."

Apr 8, 2008 / Chris Hayes

Into the Great Wide Open Into the Great Wide Open

Ryan Crocker this morning before the Senate Armed Services Committee, on the White House's intent for future U.S. security agreements with Iraq: "It is our intention to negotiate...

Apr 8, 2008 / Chris Hayes

McCain’s Unintentionally Revealing Ambiguity McCain’s Unintentionally Revealing Ambiguity

My favorite snippet from McCain's speech today on Iraq: Iraqi forces recently battled in Basra against radical Shi'a militias, supported by Iran... Note the grammatical indeterm...

Apr 8, 2008 / Chris Hayes

1/6th There 1/6th There

If you can't beat the Electoral College, join them. Since last April, New Jersey and Maryland have signed onto the National Popular Vote compact, and today with Governor Blagojevi...

Apr 7, 2008 / Chris Hayes

This Week On Tap This Week On Tap

Talk of the Iraq War will dominate business on the Hill this week, as Gen. David Petraeus and ambassador Ryan Crocker offer their latest post-surge Congressional updates. It's bee...

Apr 7, 2008 / Chris Hayes

A Free Trade Thought Experiment A Free Trade Thought Experiment

Imagine a country where CEO's live in fear. In just the past five years, 400 CEO's -- from manufacturing, banking, real estate -- have been shot down in cold blood. (Thousands ove...

Apr 7, 2008 / Chris Hayes

Feingold Condemns China — and the U.S. — on Tibet Feingold Condemns China — and the U.S. — on Tibet

"With its suppression of the Tibetan protests, China continues to compound its abysmal record on human rights." So says Wisconsin Senator Russ Feingold, speaking with a firmness ...

Apr 6, 2008 / John Nichols

Another $102 Billion Another $102 Billion

Do you think the US should spend another $102 billion on the Iraq War? Well, later this month, Congress will consider President Bush's demand for just this amount to continue fu...

Apr 5, 2008 / Peter Rothberg
