Stop the Funding Stop the Funding
Four US soldiers were blown up in Baghdad yesterday, pushing the US military death toll in Iraq to 4,000 just days into the sixth year of a war that President George W. Bush says ...
Mar 25, 2008 / Peter Rothberg
“Moost Unusual” “Moost Unusual”
"Moost unusual." That was how CNN chose to headline its coverage of anti-war coverage last week--a slightly more subtle variant of the newscast's ultimate message: "Wow, get a loa...
Mar 25, 2008 / Chris Hayes
The Clinton Campaign Keeps Lying About NAFTA The Clinton Campaign Keeps Lying About NAFTA
There is a lot of buzz this week about Hillary Clinton's admission that she "misspoke" when she made claims – apparently to buff her commander-in-chief credential – about "la...
Mar 25, 2008 / John Nichols
Barbara Lee’s War on Poverty Barbara Lee’s War on Poverty
Recently, Congresswoman Barbara Lee said to me, "This is a moment when people are suffering. They are one paycheck -- if they have a paycheck -- away from poverty." That's why L...
Mar 24, 2008 / Katrina vanden Heuvel
Why Is the Financial Crisis So Absent From the Campaign? Why Is the Financial Crisis So Absent From the Campaign?
That's what Paul Krugman rightly wants to know. For months I've been struck by the jarring disconnect between the finance blogs I read, where people are basically screaming at the...
Mar 24, 2008 / Chris Hayes
Bush Whacks the Wall of Separation Bush Whacks the Wall of Separation
Thomas Jefferson observed in his January 1, 1802 letter to the Danbury Baptists that America was not a church state. As such, he explained, it was the president's duty to refrai...
Mar 22, 2008 / John Nichols
No Star Wars in Europe No Star Wars in Europe
The US national missile defense system is a complex project which involves the production of new weapons, and the installation of US military bases in different parts of the plane...
Mar 21, 2008 / Peter Rothberg
Change Congress Change Congress
Copyright guru Lawrence Lessig launches his new crusade.
Mar 21, 2008 / Chris Hayes
Whose Crisis of Confidence Whose Crisis of Confidence
Elizabeth Spiers argues the Fed had to bail out Bear Stearns, because "the psychological repercussions of a Bear bankruptcy would have been even more devastating than the financi...
Mar 21, 2008 / Chris Hayes
Quote of the Day Quote of the Day
[R]acism is a suicide bomb" -- Ta-Nehisi Coates
Mar 21, 2008 / Chris Hayes