Back of the Bus Back of the Bus
I try not to post here too much about the campaign, mostly because I don't quite trust myself to be completely fair at this point, but it must be said that the recent jive from th...
Mar 10, 2008 / Chris Hayes
The Dark Side of the Moon The Dark Side of the Moon
Well, I don't have much to add to all the frenetic speculation and schaundenfraude following word that Eliot Spitzer has been linked to a prostitution ring. But the whole sordid m...
Mar 10, 2008 / Chris Hayes
How Comcast Sees the World How Comcast Sees the World
Sure, the 9/11 card gets pulled a lot. But really, this is ridiculous.
Mar 10, 2008 / Chris Hayes
This Week On Tap This Week On Tap
This week, the House is scheduled to take up HR 895, which would establish an independent Office of Congressional Ethics. (No guarantee, however, on whether it will actually go to...
Mar 10, 2008 / Chris Hayes
NSA’s Domestic Spying Arm Extends NSA’s Domestic Spying Arm Extends
Today, the WSJ reports that NSA--once confined to foreign surveillance--has built a domestic surveillance program that can sift through individuals' phone records, email subject l...
Mar 10, 2008 / Chris Hayes
Chart of the Day Chart of the Day
You've seen this before, but this a particularly adept visualization.
Mar 10, 2008 / Chris Hayes
Samantha Power and the Danger of Gotcha Politics Samantha Power and the Danger of Gotcha Politics
Samantha Power, the able foreign policy advisor to Barack Obama who referred to Hillary Clinton as a "monster," has quit her role with the Obama campaign. That's too bad, because...
Mar 8, 2008 / John Nichols
A 3,400-Page Paper Trail A 3,400-Page Paper Trail
With the House continuing its tussle over ethics reform this week, now seems like an apt moment to pause and highlight the simultaneous, ongoing Senate refusal to evolve on issues...
Mar 7, 2008 / Chris Hayes
Friday Capitol Letter Friday Capitol Letter
In the House….Over a decade after its initial introduction, the Wellstone Mental Health and Addiction Equality Act--which requires more generous coverage for the 113 million Ame...
Mar 7, 2008 / Chris Hayes
Take Back America 08 Take Back America 08
The Take Back America conference, heading into its sixth year, brings together close to 2,000 of the country's most dedicated progressive activists and strategists for a series of...
Mar 7, 2008 / Peter Rothberg