Splitting the Difference on Mandates Splitting the Difference on Mandates
Jacob Hacker wades into the great mandate debate this morning in the LA Times. He argues that the sturm und drang over mandates is overblown: Still, I do not believe that the ind...
Feb 26, 2008 / Chris Hayes
Racist Drug Law Losing Steam Racist Drug Law Losing Steam
Bipartisan support for reforming the two-decade-old federal sentencing structure that treats crack cocaine offenses one hundred times more severely than crimes involving powder co...
Feb 26, 2008 / Peter Rothberg
Now Can We Talk About 9/11 Now Can We Talk About 9/11
While over its tenure, the Bush administration has increased baseline military spending by 30% to fight a global "war on terror," this month with the release of the President's la...
Feb 26, 2008 / Chris Hayes
The FCC Debates the Internet’s Future The FCC Debates the Internet’s Future
It seemed an apt coincidence of timing that as legal scholars and industry representatives debated the future of the internet at yesterday's FCC hearing at Harvard Law School, her...
Feb 26, 2008 / Chris Hayes
The Freak Show The Freak Show
Time magazine political analyst Mark Halperin (formerly of ABC and The Note) has a post up dispensing free advice to John McCain on how he can attack Obama. The pearls of wisdom d...
Feb 26, 2008 / Chris Hayes
Haynes Resigns Haynes Resigns
Last week, we broke a story about Pentagon general counsel William Haynes, the man charged with impartially overseeing the tribunals at Guantanamo telling a subordinate that "[the...
Feb 26, 2008 / Chris Hayes
Internet Populist Lessig: Visionary, Realist, But Not Running Internet Populist Lessig: Visionary, Realist, But Not Running
Of course it would have been great if Stanford Law professor Lawrence Lessig had run for an open San Francisco Bay-area congressional seat on the reform platform he proposed. Les...
Feb 26, 2008 / John Nichols
What Exactly Will Go Into the Bush Presidential Library? What Exactly Will Go Into the Bush Presidential Library?
When George W. Bush's presidential library opens in Dallas at Southern Methodist University (officials announced the site on Friday), expect Bush to do his best to keep his paper...
Feb 25, 2008 / Chris Hayes
Mid-Day Links Mid-Day Links
1) The stalemate in Afghanistan continues. 2) John Judis on the American Adam. 3) Today, MoveOn.org launched a new Iraq/Recession campaign, linking the money spent on the war ...
Feb 25, 2008 / Chris Hayes
FISA and the GOP Fear-Circus FISA and the GOP Fear-Circus
In a radio address this weekend, Rep. John Conyers (D-Michigan) boiled it down: The President and House Republicans simply can't have it both ways. They cannot argue simultaneou...
Feb 25, 2008 / Chris Hayes