Books & the Arts

Socialism’s Past and Future

Socialism’s Past and Future Socialism’s Past and Future

Axel Honneth’s new book seeks to give renewed meaning to the socialist ideal.

Jun 28, 2017 / Books & the Arts / Martin Jay

Grace Paley’s Crowded World

Grace Paley’s Crowded World Grace Paley’s Crowded World

In her life, as in her writing, the boundaries between the personal and the political were remarkably porous.

Jun 27, 2017 / Books & the Arts / Maggie Doherty

E.P. Thompson’s Search for a New Popular Front

E.P. Thompson’s Search for a New Popular Front E.P. Thompson’s Search for a New Popular Front

Despite a lifetime of political disappointments, the historian never gave up on the prospects of a broad left-wing social movement.

Jun 14, 2017 / Books & the Arts / Stefan Collini

What Caused the Russian Revolution?

What Caused the Russian Revolution? What Caused the Russian Revolution?

How historians narrate 1917 tells us as much about their politics as it does about what we can learn from the revolution’s failures.

Jun 13, 2017 / Books & the Arts / Sophie Pinkham

Wonder Women

Wonder Women Wonder Women

If you’re looking for a heroine at the movies this summer, you should look beyond the latest superhero story.

Jun 9, 2017 / Books & the Arts / Stuart Klawans

Czesław Miłosz’s Space Travels

Czesław Miłosz’s Space Travels Czesław Miłosz’s Space Travels

Having spent four decades in exile, the Polish poet discovered a homeland in his writing.

Jun 1, 2017 / Books & the Arts / Stephanie Burt

Diana Trilling’s Discontents

Diana Trilling’s Discontents Diana Trilling’s Discontents

To keep up with the New York Intellectuals, Diana Trilling forgot—and forgave—nothing.

Jun 1, 2017 / Books & the Arts / Vivian Gornick

The Frontiers of American Capitalism

The Frontiers of American Capitalism The Frontiers of American Capitalism

Noam Maggor’s new book captures how it took both sides of the American continent to revitalize the economy after the Civil War.

Jun 1, 2017 / Books & the Arts / Eric Foner

Thoreau: A Radical for All Seasons

Thoreau: A Radical for All Seasons Thoreau: A Radical for All Seasons

The surprising persistence of Henry David Thoreau.

Jun 1, 2017 / Books & the Arts / Jedediah Britton-Purdy

The Two Women’s Movements

The Two Women’s Movements The Two Women’s Movements

Feminism has been on the march since the 1970s, but so has the conservative backlash.

Jun 1, 2017 / Books & the Arts / Kim Phillips-Fein
