Books & the Arts

This Week in ‘Nation’ History: Debating the JFK Legacy, in Real Time

This Week in ‘Nation’ History: Debating the JFK Legacy, in Real Time This Week in ‘Nation’ History: Debating the JFK Legacy, in Real Time

Was there more to JFK than a coiffure arranged by facing south in a strong east wind?

Nov 9, 2013 / Books & the Arts / Katrina vanden Heuvel

Arthur Danto: A Critic With ‘a Beatific Sense of Wonder’

Arthur Danto: A Critic With ‘a Beatific Sense of Wonder’ Arthur Danto: A Critic With ‘a Beatific Sense of Wonder’

If, in an age of mechanical reproduction, art had lost its aura, he restored that aura; he enchanted an unenchanted world.

Nov 6, 2013 / Books & the Arts / Elizabeth Pochoda

Get Happy!!

Get Happy!! Get Happy!!

For Margaret Thatcher as for today’s happiness industry, there is no such thing as society.

Nov 6, 2013 / Books & the Arts / Jackson Lears

Second Field Guide Second Field Guide


Nov 6, 2013 / Books & the Arts / Jodi Johnson

The Seafarer The Seafarer

Stories of shipwreck and drift are Hollywood’s new allegories of national ruin.

Nov 6, 2013 / Books & the Arts / Joshua Clover

This Week in ‘Nation’ History: The Life and Times of Eric Hobsbawm

This Week in ‘Nation’ History: The Life and Times of Eric Hobsbawm This Week in ‘Nation’ History: The Life and Times of Eric Hobsbawm

Ramachandra Guha’s essay in next week’s issue is only the latest in a long line of critical appreciations of the late historian’s work to be published in The Nati...

Nov 2, 2013 / Books & the Arts / Katrina vanden Heuvel

Close Encounters of the Lou Reed Kind

Close Encounters of the Lou Reed Kind Close Encounters of the Lou Reed Kind

Remembering Lou Reed.

Oct 30, 2013 / Books & the Arts / Eric Alterman

China U.

China U. China U.

Confucius Institutes censor political discussions and restrain the free exchange of ideas. Why, then, do American universities sponsor them?

Oct 30, 2013 / Books & the Arts / Marshall Sahlins

Shelf Life

Shelf Life Shelf Life

Emily Brady’s Humboldt explains why the legalization of pot could cause the biggest economic bust in California’s history.

Oct 30, 2013 / Books & the Arts / Kate Murphy

Eric Alterman Replies to Max Blumenthal’s Letter Eric Alterman Replies to Max Blumenthal’s Letter

The debate continues...

Oct 28, 2013 / Books & the Arts / Eric Alterman
