Books & the Arts

Whose Side Is ‘The Walking Dead’ On?

Whose Side Is ‘The Walking Dead’ On? Whose Side Is ‘The Walking Dead’ On?

Cable TV’s top hit is used to justify every political point of view—right or left, pro-NRA or pro-gun control, even pro-sequester or pro-stimulus.

Apr 5, 2013 / Books & the Arts / Leslie Savan

Kircher’s Cosmos: On Athanasius Kircher

Kircher’s Cosmos: On Athanasius Kircher Kircher’s Cosmos: On Athanasius Kircher

How did a man who got so many things wrong become an intellectual celebrity in his own lifetime?

Apr 3, 2013 / Books & the Arts / Paula Findlen

Now That April’s Here Now That April’s Here

Snow paid attention, left the white pines scarred and the springtime yard rife with life and destruction. Moss hair back from the dead brings the Green Man’s head softly, softly, underfoot right beside the maple root that quotes Sévigné‚ up the budding tree: “Spring is red.”

Apr 3, 2013 / Books & the Arts / Christina Robb

Hunter-Blatherer: On Jared Diamond Hunter-Blatherer: On Jared Diamond

An unreliable anthropologist of traditional societies is a no less dubious diagnostician of the contemporary world.

Apr 3, 2013 / Books & the Arts / Stephen Wertheim

The Minutemen and the Mainstream Media

The Minutemen and the Mainstream Media The Minutemen and the Mainstream Media

A new book argues that the media failed to grasp the frightening extremism of the anti-immigrant border patrols of a few years ago—and wraps it in a thrilling true-crime tale...

Apr 3, 2013 / Books & the Arts / Rick Perlstein

The Doomsday Prepper Caucus

The Doomsday Prepper Caucus The Doomsday Prepper Caucus

Prophecies of government tyranny, financial meltdown and violent anarchy featured on Doomsday Preppers are being absorbed into contemporary conservatism.

Apr 2, 2013 / Books & the Arts / Reed Richardson

Made in the USA? Letter From London

Made in the USA? Letter From London Made in the USA? Letter From London

Books about London in its Olympic year and after see Americanization eroding the city’s gift for democratic gradualism.

Mar 27, 2013 / Books & the Arts / Leo Robson

Shelf Life

Shelf Life Shelf Life

Paul Hoover’s second edition of Postmodern American Poetry: A Norton Anthology.

Mar 27, 2013 / Books & the Arts / Ange Mlinko

Man in the Middle: On Philip Glass

Man in the Middle: On Philip Glass Man in the Middle: On Philip Glass

Philip Glass’s new opera, The Perfect American, is a mix of bluster and inspiration.

Mar 27, 2013 / Books & the Arts / Jonathan Blitzer

30 Seconds Over Toledo: How Political Ads Spell Trouble for TV News and Democracy 30 Seconds Over Toledo: How Political Ads Spell Trouble for TV News and Democracy

In the wake of Citizens United, big campaign donors are buying off not only politicians, but also the local news networks that cover them.

Mar 21, 2013 / Books & the Arts / Eric Alterman and Reed Richardson
