The Noble and the Base: Poland and the Holocaust The Noble and the Base: Poland and the Holocaust
Can the two central images of Poland during World War II—a country of heroes and a country of collaborators—ever be combined?
Nov 14, 2012 / Books & the Arts / John Connelly
Children of the Storm: Education and Social Mobility Children of the Storm: Education and Social Mobility
Paul Tough and Jonathan Kozol examine how decades of family-unfriendly policies have heightened the stress experienced by many children at home and school.
Nov 14, 2012 / Books & the Arts / Helen C. Epstein
Generation X: On Wade Guyton and Gerhard Richter Generation X: On Wade Guyton and Gerhard Richter
Why two artists use a printer to make paintings without using paint.
Nov 14, 2012 / Books & the Arts / Barry Schwabsky

Eve Ensler Rising Eve Ensler Rising
With a new play, Emotional Creature, and big plans for V-Day 2013, the activist playwright reaches for new heights.
Nov 8, 2012 / Books & the Arts / Laura Flanders

Can the Federal Reserve Help Prevent a Second Recession? Can the Federal Reserve Help Prevent a Second Recession?
Chairman Ben Bernanke, who’s been sounding the alarm, is attacked constantly by the right. He and his allies need support from a mostly silent left.
Nov 8, 2012 / Books & the Arts / William Greider
A Peculiar Revolt: On Marcus Rediker’s ‘The Amistad Rebellion’ A Peculiar Revolt: On Marcus Rediker’s ‘The Amistad Rebellion’
Public sympathies and political outcomes over the Amistad Africans drifted in opposite directions.
Nov 7, 2012 / Books & the Arts / Nicholas Guyatt
Totalitarianism, Famine and Us Totalitarianism, Famine and Us
Have histories of famines caused by totalitarianism become a distraction to the new politics of hunger?
Nov 7, 2012 / Books & the Arts / Samuel Moyn
Transmigrations Transmigrations
Tom Tykwer and Lana and Andy Wachowski’s Cloud Atlas, Steven Spielberg’s Lincoln, Ra’anan Alexandrowicz’s The Law in These Parts.
Nov 7, 2012 / Books & the Arts / Stuart Klawans
The Letters of Kurt Vonnegut The Letters of Kurt Vonnegut
Says editor Dan Wakefield, hIs writing “is done with such seemingly simple language and style that it sometimes seems shocking.”
Oct 31, 2012 / Books & the Arts / Kurt Vonnegut
Remembering the Berlin Wall Remembering the Berlin Wall
The right celebrates Reagan as the cold war “victor.” American memorials tell a different story.
Oct 31, 2012 / Books & the Arts / Jon Wiener