Books & the Arts

Putting the World Into the World: On Alighiero Boetti

Putting the World Into the World: On Alighiero Boetti Putting the World Into the World: On Alighiero Boetti

Opposites collapse in the work of the Shaman-Showman of contemporary Italian art.

Apr 3, 2012 / Books & the Arts / Barry Schwabsky

Inescapable Smallness: On Jenny Erpenbeck Inescapable Smallness: On Jenny Erpenbeck

A young German novelist explores the logic of powerlessness.

Apr 3, 2012 / Books & the Arts / Tristram Wolff

Alisa Solomon: Grappling With Mike Daisey’s ‘Journalism’

Alisa Solomon: Grappling With Mike Daisey’s ‘Journalism’ Alisa Solomon: Grappling With Mike Daisey’s ‘Journalism’

How the artist's narrative carried everyone away.

Mar 29, 2012 / Books & the Arts / The Nation

Five Poems by Adrienne Rich

Five Poems by Adrienne Rich Five Poems by Adrienne Rich

Adrienne Rich, a major figure in the recent history of American poetry and a frequent contributor to The Nation, died on March 27.

Mar 29, 2012 / Books & the Arts / The Nation

Adrienne Rich’s Touch Was Political

Adrienne Rich’s Touch Was Political Adrienne Rich’s Touch Was Political

A poet passionately engaged with writing and politics, she said "art means nothing if it simply decorates the dinner table of the power which holds it hostage."

Mar 29, 2012 / Books & the Arts / John Nichols

The Situation The Situation

So Mitt’s officially an Etch-a-Sketch, And Rick says JFK’s speech made him retch. Ron Paul’s a ditz, and Gingrich is a letch. Though nets are flung as far as they will stretch, There isn’t any white knight there to fetch. Republicans thus sit around and kvetch.

Mar 28, 2012 / Books & the Arts / Calvin Trillin

Mike Check: A Few More Words on L’Affaire Daisey

Mike Check: A Few More Words on L’Affaire Daisey Mike Check: A Few More Words on L’Affaire Daisey

In his defense, the embattled monologist stressed the differences between theater and journalism. Did he have a point?

Mar 28, 2012 / Books & the Arts / Alisa Solomon

Food Fights

Food Fights Food Fights

The use of food as a weapon during World War II.

Mar 27, 2012 / Books & the Arts / Richard J. Evans

From ‘Brown’ to ‘Lawrence’: On the Struggle for Gay Civil Rights

From ‘Brown’ to ‘Lawrence’: On the Struggle for Gay Civil Rights From ‘Brown’ to ‘Lawrence’: On the Struggle for Gay Civil Rights

Dale Carpenter's exceptional account of the history of Lawrence v. Texas.

Mar 27, 2012 / Books & the Arts / Michael O’Donnell

‘I am not myself’ ‘I am not myself’

I’m severely everyone & it hurts   if I’m sick you’ll take care of me?   “Oh, yeah sure of course.”

Mar 27, 2012 / Books & the Arts / John Coletti
