Books & the Arts

Oreo Oreo

Miriam felt that a wolf spider was stalking our pet cricket, Oreo who lives in a small indented "crouching pit" next to the refrigerator   So I followed the spider’s wanderings then put a glass jar atop slid a paper underneath & carried it out to the garden   She pointed out that Oreo had halted its chirping while the wolf was on the floor   then resumed          when I carried it out:   When the wolf peeks through the door-jamb no more baaing from the lamb

Jun 15, 2011 / Books & the Arts / Ed Sanders

The Canting Crew The Canting Crew

A new edition of The First English Dictionary of Slang is a saucy survey of the rogue jargon of the late seventeenth century.

Jun 14, 2011 / Books & the Arts / Ange Mlinko

Slide Show: A Gil Scott-Heron Retrospective Slide Show: A Gil Scott-Heron Retrospective

Gil Scott-Heron was a pioneering poet and musician. His unique musical fusion of jazz, blues, rap, funk, and soul was captivating and his radical political vision was transformativ…

Jun 9, 2011 / Books & the Arts / The Nation

Little Churches Everywhere: California’s Evangelical Conservatism

Little Churches Everywhere: California’s Evangelical Conservatism Little Churches Everywhere: California’s Evangelical Conservatism

As contradictory as the gospel truths of California's digerati are the dogmas of West Coast evangelicalism, a melding of Jefferson and Jesus.

Jun 7, 2011 / Books & the Arts / Chris Lehmann

A Test of Loyalties: The Exiles of the American Revolution A Test of Loyalties: The Exiles of the American Revolution

Between a fifth and a third of the white population remained loyal to Britain in 1776. Why?

Jun 7, 2011 / Books & the Arts / Nicholas Guyatt

Whimbrel Whimbrel

Kin to the limpkin,   she whimpers when primping,   wears rimless eyeglasses   for skimming her primer   on swimming. She splashes   through grasses amassing   her ration of shrimp,   and stands, a fat ampersand,   on the sandpaper strand   making eyes at a snipe,   fanning the passions   of the sandpiper nations.

Jun 7, 2011 / Books & the Arts / Sidney Wade

From Cairo to Córdoba: The Story of the Cairo Geniza

From Cairo to Córdoba: The Story of the Cairo Geniza From Cairo to Córdoba: The Story of the Cairo Geniza

Adina Hoffman and Peter Cole's Sacred Trash offers a precious meditation on how the discovery of hidden hoards of history can transform our worlds.

Jun 1, 2011 / Books & the Arts / David Nirenberg

An Unfinished Tradition: On Édouard Manet

An Unfinished Tradition: On Édouard Manet An Unfinished Tradition: On Édouard Manet

Édouard Manet has become a popular painter, yet he remains a difficult and unpredictable one.

Jun 1, 2011 / Books & the Arts / Barry Schwabsky

Dance with the Devil

Dance with the Devil Dance with the Devil

Terrence Malick's Tree of Life; David Balding's One Lucky Elephant; Kristen Wiig's Bridesmaids; Todd Phillips's The Hangover Part II.

Jun 1, 2011 / Books & the Arts / Stuart Klawans

Onderdunk Road Onderdunk Road

from the Iroquois Museum came the story   of a sky woman who fell thru the clouds and was caught by geese who set her down   on a turtle’s back. Thus, people came   on Bear Road there were no bears on Schoolhouse Road only a swamp on the state highway freight trucks   roared past us for half a mile and on Red Barn Road somebody had   recently painted a barn red   and there the mud-covered cows charged toward us   and waited for a word at the hot-wired fence   we told them we meant   Helios no offense   weeping willow trees were always close to houses   while lichen-covered, crag-wrinkled trees had faces to be seen, recognized on them   all these barns with roofs sagging like wet paper   tear themselves down by decay   unstitched nails pop from buckled walls   under which the white ash and maple sprout   when we came down from the hill   where fog enshrouded us rushing water in culverts   was loud but invisible

Jun 1, 2011 / Books & the Arts / Daniel Bouchard
