Books & the Arts

Modern Times Modern Times

This was supposed to be Charlie Chaplin's first talkie, but he wisely realized that to preserve the charm of the Little Tramp, he also had to preserve the silence.

Dec 18, 2008 / Books & the Arts / Mark Van Doren

Atlantic City Atlantic City

Aging numbers-man Burt Lancaster yearns for the day when even the Atlantic Ocean "was something."

Dec 18, 2008 / Books & the Arts / Robert Hatch

The Miracle of Morgan’s Creek The Miracle of Morgan’s Creek

Preston Sturges received two Oscar nominations for 1944 films. This was one of them--even though it was written on the fly as it was being filmed.

Dec 18, 2008 / Books & the Arts / James Agee

Reading in an Age of Depression Reading in an Age of Depression

An editor ponders the publishing industry meltdown--and the precarious future of books.

Dec 18, 2008 / Books & the Arts / Tom Engelhardt

New Orleans: Victims and Vigilantes New Orleans: Victims and Vigilantes

Both the perpetrators and victims of violent attacks in the wake of Hurricane Katrina share their stories in vivid detail.

Dec 18, 2008 / Books & the Arts / The Nation Institute

Partisans of Oblivion: A Situationist Novel Partisans of Oblivion: A Situationist Novel

Michèle Bernstein's Situationist novel explores a Paris hovering between Old World and New Wave.

Dec 17, 2008 / Books & the Arts / Joshua Clover

Between the Dead and the Living: Jack Spicer’s Second Life Between the Dead and the Living: Jack Spicer’s Second Life

A new collection of poems by Jack Spicer returns one of the great American visionaries to print.

Dec 17, 2008 / Books & the Arts / Barry Schwabsky

Ives’s Ears: Charles Ives Reconsidered Ives’s Ears: Charles Ives Reconsidered

In songs, symphonies and sonatas, Charles Ives furnished America's musical past with a future.

Dec 17, 2008 / Books & the Arts / David Schiff

Death at One’s Elbow: Derek Raymond’s Factory Novels Death at One’s Elbow: Derek Raymond’s Factory Novels

Margaret Thatcher is never named in Derek Raymond's Factory novels, but her shadow falls over them.

Dec 17, 2008 / Books & the Arts / Charles Taylor

Answer Answer

a moment of stillness, demanding an answer. When does a moment end?      * Starbucks prayer, "Make morning good again."      * Leaf shadows on pavement: word meaning to slide carelessly, repeatedly, to absentmindedly caress.      * For I so loved the world that I set up my only son to be arrested.

Dec 17, 2008 / Books & the Arts / Rae Armantrout
