The Imaginary Jew The Imaginary Jew
Two new novels, by Michael Chabon and Nathan Englander, recharge the modern Jewish experience with a sense of the exotic.
May 10, 2007 / Books & the Arts / William Deresiewicz
The New Face of Warfare The New Face of Warfare
Child soldiering has become a defining feature of modern warfare. And the United States has been all too complicit in the trend.
May 10, 2007 / Books & the Arts / Fatin Abbas
The Wharton School The Wharton School
A new biography describes how Edith Wharton transformed her obsessions into stories of loss, regret and entrapment.
May 10, 2007 / Books & the Arts / Brenda Wineapple
Among the Disbelievers Among the Disbelievers
In their rush to throw out God, atheist writers appear to have given little thought to what should replace Him.
May 10, 2007 / Books & the Arts / Daniel Lazare
The Brown Decades The Brown Decades
In an engaging new memoir, Carolyn Brown recollects her work with modern dance legends Merce Cunningham and John Cage.
May 10, 2007 / Books & the Arts / Rachel Cohen
The Dread Zone The Dread Zone
John Leonard, noted critic and former literary editor of The Nation, died Wednesay at 69. This review of Don DeLillo's Falling Man was one of his last pieces published in the magaz...
May 10, 2007 / Books & the Arts / John Leonard
At a Loss for Words At a Loss for Words
Ralph Ellison was eager to be counted in any political cause--except those surrounding race.
May 10, 2007 / Books & the Arts / Michael Anderson
Scary Movie: Captivity’s Ad Campaign Scary Movie: Captivity’s Ad Campaign
I joined the protest of a terribly offensive poster for the horror flick Captivity, which resulted in its being taken down. Was that a good thing?
May 9, 2007 / Books & the Arts / Annabelle Gurwitch
A Peaceful Mother’s Day A Peaceful Mother’s Day
Mother's Day was originally conceived to recognize the power of women to be instruments of peace.
May 8, 2007 / Books & the Arts / Robert Greenwald
Hip-Hop’s E-Z Scapegoats Hip-Hop’s E-Z Scapegoats
There's a big difference between the misogynous hip-hop produced by big media and the hip-hop that moves a generation.
May 8, 2007 / Books & the Arts / Jeff Chang and Dave Zirin