Books & the Arts

Caravaggio’s The Beheading of Saint John the Baptist

Teju Cole’s Elegiac Criticism Teju Cole’s Elegiac Criticism

For the novelist and photographer, to see—and to write about what one sees—is a way to confront the hard facts of the world.

Nov 9, 2022 / Books & the Arts / Walton Muyumba

RICK LOWE's Victoria Square Project- Open Borders, 2022

The Outer Limits of Painting The Outer Limits of Painting

Recent shows from Rick Lowe and Mary Heilmann subvert expectations of the medium, their work exploring social life and its imperfections past the confines of the canvas.

Nov 8, 2022 / Books & the Arts / Barry Schwabsky

Martine Syms’s Portrait of Art School Alienation

Martine Syms’s Portrait of Art School Alienation Martine Syms’s Portrait of Art School Alienation

With her feature film The African Desperate, the visual artist delves into the social and intellectual pitfalls of the MFA experience.

Nov 7, 2022 / Books & the Arts / Jordan Coley

Mike Leigh, 1996

Mike Leigh’s High Hopes Mike Leigh’s High Hopes

From Meantime to Another Year, the British director is often concerned with the aftermath of crushed ideals. Yet his films also reveal an underlying and stubborn faith that change ...

Nov 3, 2022 / Books & the Arts / Ela Bittencourt

How Saidiya Hartman Changed the Study of Black Life

How Saidiya Hartman Changed the Study of Black Life How Saidiya Hartman Changed the Study of Black Life

A conversation with writer about her pathbreaking book Scenes of Subjection and how our understanding of race has changed in the last two decades. 

Nov 3, 2022 / Books & the Arts / Elias Rodriques

The Civil War’s Economic Shadow

The Civil War’s Economic Shadow The Civil War’s Economic Shadow

To finance the war, the Union had to turn to the banks, and with lasting consequences.

Nov 2, 2022 / Books & the Arts / Stephanie McCurry

Nation Poetry

Mama I Am Sorry Mama I Am Sorry

For the stillbirth and the live ones. For my books, degrees, and all the other1 ways I have betrayed you. For unlinking our arms a dozen times the year before2 your surgery, unconv…

Nov 1, 2022 / Books & the Arts / Cindy Juyoung Ok

Nation Poetry

First Foray Into Apophatic Theology First Foray Into Apophatic Theology

and then God is not like the sound the kindling makes as it meets the matchhead, not like the buoy in the bay invisible at night, not like the gravity calling to the pear on the bo…

Nov 1, 2022 / Books & the Arts / Matthew Olzammn

Photo diagram from the Bruno Hauptman trial.

How the Courts Stack the Odds Against the Innocent How the Courts Stack the Odds Against the Innocent

A new book by Daniel Medwed examines the reasons the wrongfully convicted find it so hard to prove their innocence.

Nov 1, 2022 / Books & the Arts / Jed S. Rakoff

Javier Zamora and the Canon of Undocumented Literature

Javier Zamora and the Canon of Undocumented Literature Javier Zamora and the Canon of Undocumented Literature

The poet’s memoir joins a growing body of work chronicling the personal and political odysseys undocumented Americans face. 

Oct 31, 2022 / Books & the Arts / Jesús A. Rodríguez
