Books & the Arts

The Damning Legacy of Clintonism

The Damning Legacy of Clintonism The Damning Legacy of Clintonism

A conversation with Lily Geismer about her new book Left Behind, the misguided market guided policy of the New Democrats, and the failures of Bill Clinton. 

Apr 20, 2022 / Books & the Arts / Joshua Leifer

The Many Lives of Billy Wilder

The Many Lives of Billy Wilder The Many Lives of Billy Wilder

From Galicia to Berlin to Paris and eventually to Hollywood, the prolific director and screenwriter never let go of what proved to be his most formative experience: being in a stat...

Apr 19, 2022 / Books & the Arts / Noah Isenberg

Nation Poetry

Couplets Couplets

I became myself. I became myself. No, I always was myself. There’s no such person as myself. I wouldn’t have to turn my eye inward, I thought, if I could train my eye on him—the on…

Apr 19, 2022 / Books & the Arts / Maggie Millner

Cedric Robinson’s Radical Democracy

Cedric Robinson’s Radical Democracy Cedric Robinson’s Radical Democracy

Rejecting the resignation of the 1970s and ’80s, Robinson found hope and resistance in the ruins of the American city.

Apr 18, 2022 / Books & the Arts / Jared Loggins

Turning Theory Into Art

Turning Theory Into Art Turning Theory Into Art

Anna Ostoya transforms Chantal Mouffe’s writing into collages, with the hope of making her ideas more available to the masses.

Apr 14, 2022 / Books & the Arts / Jonah Goldman Kay

Has Neoliberalism Really Come to an End?

Has Neoliberalism Really Come to an End? Has Neoliberalism Really Come to an End?

A conversation with historian Gary Gerstle about understanding neoliberalism as a bipartisan worldview and how the political order it ushered in has crumbled. 

Apr 13, 2022 / Books & the Arts / Daniel Steinmetz-Jenkins

The Absurdist Meets Jane Austen in Bloomington

The Absurdist Meets Jane Austen in Bloomington The Absurdist Meets Jane Austen in Bloomington

Budi Darma’s People from Bloomington engages in a strange realism—where life in a small-town America seems both banal and absurd. 

Apr 12, 2022 / Books & the Arts / Intan Paramaditha

Emily St. John Mandel’s Neatly Designed Worlds

Emily St. John Mandel’s Neatly Designed Worlds Emily St. John Mandel’s Neatly Designed Worlds

Her new novel, a time travel story called Sea of Tranquility, presents a universe lacking in loose ends or messiness.

Apr 11, 2022 / Books & the Arts / Sophia Nguyen

The Hollow Narrative of HBO’s “Gilded Age”

The Hollow Narrative of HBO’s “Gilded Age” The Hollow Narrative of HBO’s “Gilded Age”

The TV show is guilty of the greatest crime any fiction about the 19th century can commit—not getting it wrong, but making it dull.

Apr 7, 2022 / Books & the Arts / Jake Bittle

How Can Puerto Rico Escape the Debt Trap?

How Can Puerto Rico Escape the Debt Trap? How Can Puerto Rico Escape the Debt Trap?

When it comes to Puerto Rico, the questions of debt haunt everyday life and shape the colonial reality of the island.

Apr 6, 2022 / Books & the Arts / Ed Morales
