Bush’s UN Speech: More Misleading! Bush’s UN Speech: More Misleading!
Once more, George W. Bush has assaulted the truth in front of the United Nations. A year ago, he launched his push for war with a speech before the General ...
Sep 24, 2003 / David Corn
Bush at the UN Bush at the UN
This coming week, President Bush will head to the United Nations to try to rally international support for his Iraq endeavor. After addressing the General A...
Sep 19, 2003 / David Corn
The Latest Bush Gang Whoppers The Latest Bush Gang Whoppers
Is there some deadline approaching, after which Bush administration officials have to engage in honest debate? It seems as if there has been a rash of misle...
Sep 15, 2003 / David Corn
Iraqmire: Bush Gets Desperate Iraqmire: Bush Gets Desperate
Television viewers on Sunday night had a choice of two George W. Bushes. They could see him standing tall on a Showtime docudrama on 9/11 (produced by a pro...
Sep 8, 2003 / David Corn
Will the CIA Protect the White House? Will the CIA Protect the White House?
Will there be an investigation into whether Bush administration officials violated the law and undermined national security in order to mount a political ve...
Aug 16, 2003 / David Corn
The Emperor Has No Evidence The Emperor Has No Evidence
Call me naive. But I still am occasionally surprised that George W. Bush keeps getting away with his dog-ate-my-homework presidency. The latest exam...
Aug 1, 2003 / David Corn
White House Ducks Smear Inquiry White House Ducks Smear Inquiry
The White House--at least in public--doesn't seem willing to do much to determine whether administration officials blew the cover of an undercover CIA opera...
Jul 23, 2003 / David Corn
A White House Smear A White House Smear
Did senior Bush officials blow the cover of a US intelligence officer working covertly in a field of vital importance to national security--and break the la...
Jul 16, 2003 / David Corn
More Evidence Bush Misled Nation More Evidence Bush Misled Nation
If you blinked--or were busy buying hot-dogs and beer for a Fourth of July cookout--you might have missed the latest evidence that George W. Bush misreprese...
Jul 7, 2003 / David Corn
Did Bush Mislead US Into War? Did Bush Mislead US Into War?
George W. Bush misled the nation into war. Who says? Representative Jane Harman, the ranking Democrat on the House intelligence committee.
Jun 26, 2003 / David Corn