Demonizing Putin Endangers America’s Security Demonizing Putin Endangers America’s Security
Putin-bashing on the left and the right must stop in the interest of US national security.
Sep 16, 2013 / Column / Stephen F. Cohen
Hispanic Heritage Month: September 15–October 15 Hispanic Heritage Month: September 15–October 15
The members of Congress are ready to cheer Latinos and what they’ve accomplished right here. There’s praise for Latinos in all of this chatter. But making them legal? A different matter.
Sep 11, 2013 / Column / Calvin Trillin
Poverty in 2013: When Even Diapers Are a Luxury Poverty in 2013: When Even Diapers Are a Luxury
Being a poor mother in the United States today means reusing diapers and struggling to afford food. But House Republicans think they have it too easy.
Sep 11, 2013 / Column / Katha Pollitt
‘Rodman Returns to North Korea to Visit Kim’—The New York Times ‘Rodman Returns to North Korea to Visit Kim’—The New York Times
So Rodman makes more Sturm und Drang By planning a trip to Pyongyang. What purpose is served by this junket? He may think he’ll teach Kim to dunk it. But Kim Jong-un, being vest-pocket In size, would require a rocket. Of course, as he’s wont to disclose, The man has no shortage of those.
Sep 4, 2013 / Column / Calvin Trillin
Bill de Blasio and the Rebirth of Economic Liberalism Bill de Blasio and the Rebirth of Economic Liberalism
The leading candidate for New York City mayor shows the way forward for Democrats.
Sep 4, 2013 / Column / Eric Alterman
Queers for Quinn? Queers for Quinn?
Supporters of mayoral candidate Christine Quinn trumpet the historic nature of her candidacy, but her record is nothing to be proud of.
Sep 4, 2013 / Column / Richard Kim
Another Constructive Tea Party Agenda Another Constructive Tea Party Agenda
“Some Republicans Nurture Dreams of Impeaching Obama” —New York Times headline The limits of our patience have been reached: Obama simply has to be impeached. High crimes and misdemeanors? Yes, this traitor Must have them. We’ll produce a long list later. For now, we say he has to get the sack. You may have noticed, by the way—he’s black.
Aug 28, 2013 / Column / Calvin Trillin
Operation Rescue vs. Dr. Ann Neuhaus, Hero Provider Operation Rescue vs. Dr. Ann Neuhaus, Hero Provider
Think anti-abortion crazies are no longer wreaking havoc on clinics and providers? Think again.
Aug 28, 2013 / Column / Katha Pollitt
The Race-Baiting of America The Race-Baiting of America
The tragic murder of Australian student Christopher Lane is being exploited by the right to stoke fears of a race war.
Aug 28, 2013 / Column / Patricia J. Williams
The Winter Olympics in Putin’s Russia The Winter Olympics in Putin’s Russia
Gay rights activists hold a banner reading "Homophobia - the religion of bullies" during their action in protest of homophobia, on Red Square in Moscow, Russia, on Sunday, July 14, 2013. (AP Photo/Evgeny Feldman) “Putin signs anti-gay legislation into law.” —news reports It’s possible a skier’d have to pray, As he zoomed down the steepest slope one day, That he did not, by accident, display A manner that those eager to obey The laws that under Putin now hold sway Might video as evidence, then say This shows with certainty that he is gay, Illegally, and must be sent away To some gay gulag, where he will decay In dungeons like the cages of Bombay. And meanwhile Putin leads the cheers: “Let’s hear it! Let’s celebrate that grand Olympic spirit!”
Aug 14, 2013 / Column / Calvin Trillin