The Sip Heard Round the World The Sip Heard Round the World
He sought to trash the Democrats. He’d rough them up for sure, but first he Just had to have a bit to drink. Poor Rubio was dry and thirsty. Though pundits say his future’s bright, Whatever life to him may bring, His sobriquet will always be The senator from Poland Spring.
Feb 20, 2013 / Column / Calvin Trillin

They’ve Got the Fever… They’ve Got the Fever…
As the GOP’s ideological center hurtles into the farthest reaches of the universe, the MSM still strives for “balance.”
Feb 20, 2013 / Column / Eric Alterman
Hacker Unearths Paintings by George W. Bush Hacker Unearths Paintings by George W. Bush
To new artist George Bush (the junior), We welcome you. Greetings. Salaam. We’re eager to see your depiction Of nukes stashed away by Saddam.
Feb 13, 2013 / Column / Calvin Trillin

‘America Doesn’t Torture’—It Kills ‘America Doesn’t Torture’—It Kills
Even if we like President Obama, do we want him to be a one-man death panel?
Feb 13, 2013 / Column / Katha Pollitt

The War on Drugs Is a War on Kids The War on Drugs Is a War on Kids
The school-to-prison pipeline has emerged quickly, but the corrosive effect of criminalizing children will be felt for generations to come.
Feb 13, 2013 / Column / Patricia J. Williams
The Task Ahead The Task Ahead
“The biggest donors in the Republican Party are financing a new group to recruit seasoned candidates and protect Senate incumbents from challenges by far-right conservatives and Tea Party enthusiasts.” —The New York Times They mean to weed the wackos out, To stanch electoral bleeding. From what we’ve seen, it’s going to take Some mighty powerful weeding.
Feb 6, 2013 / Column / Calvin Trillin

The Missing Link in Obama’s Liberalism The Missing Link in Obama’s Liberalism
The president's inaugural address touched all the important bases, except one.
Feb 6, 2013 / Column / Eric Alterman

Immigration Is Not a Domestic Issue Immigration Is Not a Domestic Issue
Whatever reform passes in Washington, poverty in the global South will continue to drive migration.
Feb 6, 2013 / Column / Gary Younge
Sarah Palin Will No Longer Be a Paid Commentator on Fox News Sarah Palin Will No Longer Be a Paid Commentator on Fox News
The word that Palin’s off the Fox News teat Will strike so many folks as bittersweet. For many, Palin’s just the sort of gal you Would hire for her entertainment value. Though Palin, Ailes may think, no longer fits, he Might never find a substitute as ditsy.
Jan 30, 2013 / Column / Calvin Trillin

ERA: Once More Unto the Breach? ERA: Once More Unto the Breach?
Now that women will be on the front lines in combat, maybe the country is finally ready to put gender equality in the Constitution.
Jan 30, 2013 / Column / Katha Pollitt