Republican Soul Searching Republican Soul Searching
We’re searching our souls and we’re wondering why We got beat so badly our rivals are gloating. It’s obvious now where our campaign went wrong: We should have prevented more people from voting.
Nov 14, 2012 / Column / Calvin Trillin

Don’t Stop Believin’ Don’t Stop Believin’
The Romney campaign’s self-delusion was only possible because of its MSM enablers.
Nov 14, 2012 / Column / Eric Alterman
Democracy Democracy
(A Patriotic Hymn for Republicans) Despite the fact that incidents of in-person voter fraud in the United States are exceedingly rare, the GOP has used the issue to tighten election laws around the country. —News reports American children are all taught in school That voting’s democracy’s most vital tool. But in the wrong hands all that voting can bring A little too much of a very good thing. Yes, too many voters of darker complexion Can cause the wrong person to win an election. And college kids mostly are just in a phase That makes them left wing and supportive of gays. To us, each of them is a dangerous blighter Whose voting should wait till he’s older and whiter. So we put in laws we have reason to think Will mean that the strength of these voters will shrink. We shorten the hours, and ask for a lot Of picture IDs—more than anyone’s got. Their votes aren’t the votes that the framers intended. We only regret that the poll tax has ended. The voting we need in this land of the free Is voting by people with whom we agree.
Nov 8, 2012 / Column / Calvin Trillin

The You’re-on-Your-Own Society The You’re-on-Your-Own Society
In this election, the deepest division was over whether we are all in this together.
Nov 8, 2012 / Column / Katha Pollitt

If We Ignore Climate Change, We’re All on a Sinking Ship If We Ignore Climate Change, We’re All on a Sinking Ship
If there was ever a response to Mitt Romney’s smug RNC laugh line about climate change—or to Obama’s failure to address it—Hurricane Sandy delivered.
Nov 8, 2012 / Column / Patricia J. Williams
Three Republican Candidates Discourse on the Subject of Rape Three Republican Candidates Discourse on the Subject of Rape
(And a fourth remains exceedingly quiet) Legitimate rape, so we’re told by Todd Akin, Will not produce children but simply awaken Defensive biology. That quickly locks The system all down, just as safe as Fort Knox. Joe Walsh says exceptions for “life of the mother” Are phony exceptions, just like all the other Exceptions suggested. Walsh says it’s all jive, Since doctors can always keep momma alive. Now Mourdock says rapists’ seed must be defended. A pity, he says, but it’s what God intended. This absolute stance to which Mourdock still cleaves Just happens to be what Paul Ryan believes. The Rape Science Three can provide more reminders That now Mitt’s got wingnuts in all of those binders.
Oct 30, 2012 / Column / Calvin Trillin
The Cuban Missile Crisis: Thirteen Days… and Fifty Years The Cuban Missile Crisis: Thirteen Days… and Fifty Years
Even now, our understanding of that fraught moment is built on falsehoods and myths.
Oct 30, 2012 / Books & the Arts / Eric Alterman

Where Elections End and Politics Begins Where Elections End and Politics Begins
The disaffection across the country goes way beyond an “enthusiasm gap.”
Oct 30, 2012 / Column / Gary Younge
Foreign Policy Debate Foreign Policy Debate
Mitt seemed to agree with Obama a lot. Divergence in policy got hard to spot. He used all the moderate words he could muster. So where was the Mittster’s past neocon bluster? He knew that those still undecided would hate it. The answer then is that the Etch A Sketch ate it.
Oct 24, 2012 / Column / Calvin Trillin

Ladies, Don’t Fall for Moderate Mitt! Ladies, Don’t Fall for Moderate Mitt!
What Romney may privately believe is far less important than the bargains he has made with the far-right Christian base of his party.
Oct 24, 2012 / Column / Katha Pollitt