Medicare to the Forefront Medicare to the Forefront
Polls show that Medicare is now the third most vital issue of the campaign, and Paul Ryan’s plan to change it is unpopular with likely voters. —News reports Yes, any talk of Medicare Is almost guaranteed to scare A lot of voters everywhere. Though Medicare, in truth, has ne’er Been short of signs of wear and tear— Its funding source may need repair— Most folks are fierce in guarding their Entitlements, and they declare That any change would be unfair, Would cheat them out of their fair share. So politicians are aware There’s always risk in going there. They keep their distance from that snare. You cannot win the Croix de Guerre By meddling with Medicare. Your fate’s more likely to compare To agonizing mal de mer, A bad encounter with a bear, A trip to the electric chair. So talk of Medicare is rare, But Ryan’s put it in the air. And some Republicans despair.
Aug 29, 2012 / Column / Calvin Trillin

Women Who Love Republicans Who Hate Them Women Who Love Republicans Who Hate Them
What's the matter with them? Do they have Stockholm syndrome?
Aug 29, 2012 / Column / Katha Pollitt
Ayn Rand Ayn Rand
(Sung to the tune of “Blue Moon”) Paul Ryan has said that the writings of Ayn Rand were what inspired him to go into public life. —News reports Ayn Rand Because of you I’m now free. Because of what you have taught, I know it’s all about me. Ayn Rand You taught we should be ambitious, And strive to be avaricious, Since money’s truly delicious. And we shouldn’t share a nickel of this money With citizens who can’t prevail. The government is not the Easter Bunny. The poor are weaklings who deserved to fail. Ayn Rand Before you I was immobile But then you taught me to know That being selfish is noble.
Aug 22, 2012 / Column / Calvin Trillin

Paul Ryan: The Man Who Wasn’t There Paul Ryan: The Man Who Wasn’t There
How the pundit class is turning a right-wing ideologue into a bold intellectual—and framing the election.
Aug 22, 2012 / Column / Eric Alterman
Paul Ryan Goddam! Paul Ryan Goddam!
It’s time to update Nina Simone's iconic song title—the GOP veep candidate is just as extreme on women’s health and rights as he is on economics.
Aug 22, 2012 / Column / Melissa Harris-Perry
Mitt Visits Foreign Lands Mitt Visits Foreign Lands
(And not to hide money) The Mittster, while taking a three-nation swing, Showed talent for saying the very wrong thing. He teed off our English friends lickety-split; The tabloids in London town called him a twit. Apparently having no motives ulterior, He seemed to be calling the Arabs inferior. In English and Arabic venom Mitt bathed. ’Twas only in Poland he came out unscathed. His trip, meant to show foreign-policy cred, Because of Mitt’s gaffes was a model instead Of what not to say when abroad one doth roam. So here’s the consensus: he should have stayed home.
Aug 8, 2012 / Column / Calvin Trillin

Gun Control? Dream On. Gun Control? Dream On.
As the country reels from two mass shootings in two weeks, meaningful gun restrictions feel as far away as ever.
Aug 8, 2012 / Column / Katha Pollitt

Guns and Mental Illness: Tragedies in Waiting Guns and Mental Illness: Tragedies in Waiting
There is a certain kind of madness in peddling guns to Americans while dismantling our mental health system.
Aug 8, 2012 / Column / Patricia J. Williams
Mitt Romney’s Tax Returns Mitt Romney’s Tax Returns
Demands come from left and from right. Mitt Romney, though, says he’ll sit tight. We’ve given you people enough, Says Ann, sounding suddenly tough. Conspiracy theories abound. Mitt’s critics relentlessly pound. Why go through this sort of ordeal? What doesn’t Mitt want to reveal? Some shelters far off from our shore? Well, sure, but there has to be more. And, really, we already know His tax rate is terribly low. Could some corporate losses have meant That one year he paid not a cent? What’s in there to make voters squeal? What doesn’t Mitt want to reveal? What deed was so sleazy that he’ll So desperately try to conceal Exposure with such stubborn zeal? What fiddling did Romney feel Showed even a wealthy big wheel Who feels some gray area’s appeal Is slippery, just like an eel? What doesn’t Mitt want to reveal?
Jul 25, 2012 / Column / Calvin Trillin

Let’s Just Say It: The Republicans AND the Media Are the Problem Let’s Just Say It: The Republicans AND the Media Are the Problem
No wonder the public remains so misinformed, as bigfoot pundits not only whitewash Republican extremism but paint Obama’s soggy centrism in false hues as its ideological equi...
Jul 25, 2012 / Column / Eric Alterman