
Automatic Pundit Readjustment After Each Primary Vote Automatic Pundit Readjustment After Each Primary Vote

They’ll picture what we can expect, With certainty in their depictions. But first they’ll erase from their minds Their previous certain predictions.

Jan 4, 2012 / Column / Calvin Trillin

Obama and the Indefinite Detention of US Citizens Obama and the Indefinite Detention of US Citizens

With the signing of the National Defense Authorization Act, the president has brought Guantánamo-style justice to the United States.

Jan 4, 2012 / Column / Alexander Cockburn

Ron Paul’s Strange Bedfellows

Ron Paul’s Strange Bedfellows Ron Paul’s Strange Bedfellows

He’s against most of what we’re for. What is it with progressive mancrushes on right-wing Republicans?

Jan 4, 2012 / Column / Katha Pollitt

Rick Perry Compares Himself to Denver Broncos Quarterback Tim Tebow Rick Perry Compares Himself to Denver Broncos Quarterback Tim Tebow

So Perry is fond of debates now, He’s calling himself in these rumbles An Iowa caucuses Tebow— Except for how often he fumbles.

Dec 21, 2011 / Column / Calvin Trillin

Governor Cuomo Is Still Governor One Percent

Governor Cuomo Is Still Governor One Percent Governor Cuomo Is Still Governor One Percent

Contrary to the spin, New York’s new tax plan privileges millionaires at the expense of the 99 percent.

Dec 21, 2011 / Column / Eric Alterman

The Santa Claus Test

The Santa Claus Test The Santa Claus Test

Today, neither the press nor government has the authority to validate little Virginia's belief in miracles.

Dec 21, 2011 / Column / Melissa Harris-Perry

The Perils of the Front-Runner in a Horse Race The Perils of the Front-Runner in a Horse Race

Though Romney was leading right out of the gate, He’s also a guy some conservatives hate. But all other entries they managed to find Were scratched from the start or have fallen behind. So now they’ve decided that Newt is a whiz— The horse that they’re backing, corrupt as he is. Thus Gingrich, now galloping (though he’s quite husky), May make Romney look like the late Edmund Muskie.

Dec 14, 2011 / Column / Calvin Trillin

Occupy the Holidays Occupy the Holidays

Need holiday gift ideas that will warm hearts? Try these.

Dec 14, 2011 / Column / Katha Pollitt

The Dangerous Defense Bill Heading Toward Obama’s Desk

The Dangerous Defense Bill Heading Toward Obama’s Desk The Dangerous Defense Bill Heading Toward Obama’s Desk

The National Defense Authorization Act would authorize indefinite military detention for US citizens, stripping Americans of their constitutional rights.

Dec 14, 2011 / Column / Patricia J. Williams

Lamentations of the Late-Night Comics Lamentations of the Late-Night Comics

While Jimmy Fallon tears his hair, Bill Maher laments, “It’s just not fair.” Dave Letterman begins to pout. They’ve heard that Herman Cain is out.   In common with his late-night peers, Jon Stewart comes quite close to tears, He’d much prefer a case of gout To hearing Herman Cain is out.   “The man is threatening our jobs,” Says Leno, as he softly sobs. Colbert is staggering about. He’s heard that Herman Cain is out.   They pray together, on their knees: “Could we have Donald Trump back—please?”

Dec 7, 2011 / Column / Calvin Trillin
