Rick Perry, God and Me: When I Got the Call Rick Perry, God and Me: When I Got the Call
God called me one night and asked me to run for president. He almost talked me into it.
Nov 2, 2011 / Column / Katha Pollitt
Mu-Mu ♥ Condi Mu-Mu ♥ Condi
Muammar el-Qaddafi had an “eerie fascination” with Condoleezza Rice and kept a scrapbook on her.—News reports Though always with that nurse (the sexy blonde) he Apparently had quite a crush on Condi. So if you called her cold, then you forgot At least one guy sincerely found her hot.
Oct 26, 2011 / Column / Calvin Trillin
MSM to Liberals: ‘Ewww!’ MSM to Liberals: ‘Ewww!’
From the Times to NPR, the so-called liberal media has a phobia of liberals.
Oct 26, 2011 / Column / Eric Alterman
An Inaugural Address for Herman Cain An Inaugural Address for Herman Cain
In April, we’ll all be in clover— All spending bucks we’ve got left over, With 9-9-9. To working folks we’ll bring enjoyment, ’Cause we’ll have nearly full employment, With 9-9-9. Our air will be pristine and clear, And terrorists will disappear, With 9-9-9. And scientists will find the answer That gives the world a cure for cancer, With 9-9-9. We’ll all achieve what we endeavor, And all of us will live forever, With 9-9-9. A country that now seems depressed and limp’ll Be great again if we just keep things simple.
Oct 19, 2011 / Column / Calvin Trillin
We Are All Occupiers Now: The Mainstreaming of OWS We Are All Occupiers Now: The Mainstreaming of OWS
Don't be left behind: everyone from Jeffrey Sachs to Deepak Chopra and Suze Orman is jumping on the Occupy Wall Street wagon.
Oct 19, 2011 / Column / Katha Pollitt
Can Occupy Wall Street Succeed as a Leaderless Movement? Can Occupy Wall Street Succeed as a Leaderless Movement?
What the legacies of Rev. Fred Shuttlesworth, Derrick Bell and Steve Jobs could teach the protesters.
Oct 19, 2011 / Column / Melissa Harris-Perry
The Far Right Contemplates the Republican Front-Runner The Far Right Contemplates the Republican Front-Runner
It seems that now we’re stuck with Mitt. Reciting right-wing holy writ, He still sounds moderate, a bit. Although it’s nothing he’ll admit, A healthcare plan’s his biggest hit. (The thought of that gives us a fit.) And born-agains, from where they sit, Still state their firm belief, to wit: As Christians, Mormons aren’t legit. We’ve said for months, “This man’s not it.” We wish that Palin hadn’t split. We wish that Perry weren’t a nit (His pilot light is not quite lit). Because, it seems, we’re stuck with Mitt.
Oct 12, 2011 / Column / Calvin Trillin
Mr. Friedman, Meet Mr. Obama Mr. Friedman, Meet Mr. Obama
The New York Times columnist faults President Obama for failing to do… exactly what he did.
Oct 12, 2011 / Column / Eric Alterman
Hewlett-Packard CEO, fired after disastrous eleven-month reign, gets $13 million in termination benefits. —news reports One job’s a job I never would forgo. That job, of course, is being CEO. According to the customs now prevailing, It pays a lot—and pays you more for failing. It must be nice to have a job wherein You cannot lose, for if you lose you win.
Oct 5, 2011 / Column / Calvin Trillin
Awlaki Assassination Puts Obama Above the Law Awlaki Assassination Puts Obama Above the Law
Welcome to the Drone Empire, in which the president's executioners can kill without legal restraint.
Oct 5, 2011 / Column / Alexander Cockburn