Are We Worried About Storm’s Identity—or Our Own? Are We Worried About Storm’s Identity—or Our Own?
Americans love to say “We're all just people.” So why are we so bent out of shape by not knowing a child’s gender?
Jun 1, 2011 / Column / Patricia J. Williams

The Problem of Republican Idiots The Problem of Republican Idiots
The liars and lunatics serve as a smoke screen for the conservative war on the poor and the middle class.
Jun 1, 2011 / Column / Eric Alterman
Contemplating the Republican Presidential Field, Late-Night Comics Lament Contemplating the Republican Presidential Field, Late-Night Comics Lament
So Trump is out. We’ve lost our best buffoon— We’ll surely miss that gaseous air balloon. Oh sure, there’s Newt. Though Newt jokes once were great, They’re getting old. He’s past his sell-by date. Chris Christie was the one we hoped they’d draft. Yes, in our fondest daydreams people laughed As we eyed Christie’s body, fore and aft, Comparing him to William Howard Taft. But Christie has insisted he’ll not run. Is anybody left who’s any fun? Oh Lord, please hear our prayers. We’re on our knees. At least just leave us Sarah Palin—please.
Jun 1, 2011 / Column / Calvin Trillin
Mitch Daniels Announces That He Will Not Run for President Mitch Daniels Announces That He Will Not Run for President
We bid Mitch Daniels fond adieu, And say, “Mitch, we admire you For saying that what you love best Is family, and not this quest.” Most candidates, without a doubt, Seem best to us when they drop out.
May 26, 2011 / Column / Calvin Trillin

Dear France, We’re So Over Dear France, We’re So Over
What's the point of having all those smart, social-democratically inclined secular citizens if, it turns out, they're self-satisfied creeps who will defend DSK?
May 25, 2011 / Column / Katha Pollitt

Breaking News: Not All Black Intellectuals Think Alike Breaking News: Not All Black Intellectuals Think Alike
Why my disagreement with Cornel West about Obama's presidency generated so much excitement.
May 25, 2011 / Column / Melissa Harris-Perry
Strauss-Kahn Lightens Gingrich’s Baggage Strauss-Kahn Lightens Gingrich’s Baggage
Yes, Gingrich, our yard-sale Don Juan, Perked up at the news of Strauss-Kahn: Compared with a rape charge, some feel, Philandering’s not a big deal: Affairs, for which Newt has repented, Involved only those who’d consented. But still his campaign’s going south: His foot still gets stuck in his mouth.
May 18, 2011 / Books & the Arts / Calvin Trillin
The Intelligent Liberal’s Guide to Foolish Principles The Intelligent Liberal’s Guide to Foolish Principles
Ignoring the real world is one of the charms of punditry.
May 18, 2011 / Column / Eric Alterman

Obama and Black Americans: the Paradox of Hope Obama and Black Americans: the Paradox of Hope
Obama's inauguration broke racial barriers, but today most black Americans are worse off than before.
May 18, 2011 / Column / Gary Younge
The Best Thing You Can Be Is CEO The Best Thing You Can Be Is CEO
“CEO Pay Exceeds Pre-Recession Level.” —Associated Press The best thing you can be is CEO. No matter what, you always get your dough. However many people out of work, You still get every single little perk. If fired, you are properly consoled, By floating ‘neath a parachute of gold. The best thing you can be is CEO. No matter what, you always get your dough.
May 11, 2011 / Books & the Arts / Calvin Trillin