The Saga of Paul Wolfowitz The Saga of Paul Wolfowitz
Rummy's fork-tongued understudy finally gets his.
Apr 19, 2007 / Column / Calvin Trillin
Heck of a Job, Wolfie Heck of a Job, Wolfie
Wolfowitz is in trouble. The World Bank leader got his girlfriend a pay raise, lied about it and alienated his staff. But don't worry--Bush still thinks he's doing a bang-up job.
Apr 18, 2007 / Column / Robert Scheer
The Ho Industry The Ho Industry
In the larger context, the flap over Don Imus's racial slur is only one tiny square in our dirty national quilt.
Apr 13, 2007 / Column / Alexander Cockburn
On John McCain’s Much-Ridiculed Attempt to Use His Shorja Market Visit as Proof That Baghdad Is Being Pacified On John McCain’s Much-Ridiculed Attempt to Use His Shorja Market Visit as Proof That Baghdad Is Being Pacified
McCain bought himself trouble in his visit to Baghdad.
Apr 12, 2007 / Column / Calvin Trillin
Iraqis Finally Unite–Against the U.S. Iraqis Finally Unite–Against the U.S.
According to Lieberman, the sight of hundreds of thousands of Iraqis chanting anti-American slogans at a protest in Najaf is proof that the surge is working.
Apr 11, 2007 / Column / Robert Scheer
The Politics of Pundit Prestige… The Politics of Pundit Prestige…
Media bigwigs are taking a beating as bloggers challenge their accuracy, integrity and transparency.
Apr 5, 2007 / Column / Eric Alterman
Colorstruck Colorstruck
A "wrongful birth" suit by the parents of a dark-skinned baby conceived in vitro raises disturbing questions about the perception of race.
Apr 5, 2007 / Column / Patricia J. Williams
On the News That Mitt Romney Finished First Among Republicans in First-Quarter Fundraising On the News That Mitt Romney Finished First Among Republicans in First-Quarter Fundraising
As a candidate, Mitt is now legit.
Apr 5, 2007 / Column / Calvin Trillin
Leave Your Morals at the Border Leave Your Morals at the Border
A Supreme Court ruling turns a blind eye to torture and human rights violations, as long as they're done offshore.
Apr 4, 2007 / Column / Robert Scheer
That Was an Antiwar Vote? That Was an Antiwar Vote?
The House Democratic leadership chooses merely to appear to oppose the war, while continuing to fund it.
Apr 2, 2007 / Column / Alexander Cockburn