Bush’s Court Picks: Be Afraid. Very Afraid. Bush’s Court Picks: Be Afraid. Very Afraid.
Democrats haven't made much of what would happen to the courts should Bush win a second term.
Oct 7, 2004 / Column / Katha Pollitt
‘There Are No Innocents’ ‘There Are No Innocents’
An oppressive and beleaguered empire, a terrorist international, a storm raging in the world press about torture, right-wing Christians on the march against moral decline and the...
Oct 7, 2004 / Books & the Arts / Alexander Cockburn
On the President’s Boast That He Knew Osama Bin Laden Rather Than Saddam Hussein Was Behind 9/1 On the President’s Boast That He Knew Osama Bin Laden Rather Than Saddam Hussein Was Behind 9/1
That's excellent. So tell us: Why did you For months imply the opposite was true? And why does Cheney (Nanny Dick) still flog
Oct 7, 2004 / Column / Calvin Trillin
The Buck Stops in the Voting Booth The Buck Stops in the Voting Booth
It is difficult for members of the US Senate, where even the best are uncommonly proud, to admit that they are not always in the know. Perhaps that explains why Sen.
Oct 5, 2004 / Column / Robert Scheer
You Can’t Bomb Beliefs You Can’t Bomb Beliefs
Aaron Maté provided research assistance for this column.
Sep 30, 2004 / Column / Naomi Klein
Dumb and Dumber (and Dumber Still) Dumb and Dumber (and Dumber Still)
One problem with trying to write critically about this year's election coverage is that by choosing any single aspect of its manifold failures, one automatically does an injustic...
Sep 30, 2004 / Column / Eric Alterman
Wonderland Wonderland
It is exasperating listening to the news as we approach this most important election. The coverage is all about comparing the length of the candidate's sentences. How many big wo...
Sep 30, 2004 / Column / Patricia J. Williams
Why the Republicans Might Be Right That Osama bin Laden Is Rooting for John Kerry Why the Republicans Might Be Right That Osama bin Laden Is Rooting for John Kerry
Bin Laden is the name I bear, And, modestly, I think it's fair To say it's thought by spies and cops Among all terrorists I'm tops. And therefore it's a crying sha
Sep 30, 2004 / Column / Calvin Trillin
The Dangers of a ‘What the Heck’ Vote The Dangers of a ‘What the Heck’ Vote
Don't say you weren't warned. Yes, you, that otherwise reasonable centrist voter who might be tempted to cast a "what the heck" vote for George W. Bush.
Sep 28, 2004 / Column / Robert Scheer
Fox Hunts Student Voters Fox Hunts Student Voters
Juliana Zuccaro and Kelly Kraus thought they were exercising their civic rights and responsibilities on August 31 when, as officers of the Network of Feminist Student Activists a...
Sep 23, 2004 / Column / Katha Pollitt