Iraqi Olympic Soccer Players Kick the Stuffing Out of Bush’s Fantasy Iraqi Olympic Soccer Players Kick the Stuffing Out of Bush’s Fantasy
Team members do not want to be used as an ad for the presidential campaign.
Aug 24, 2004 / Column / Robert Scheer
Kerry Made a Bush League Error on Iraq Kerry Made a Bush League Error on Iraq
His refusal to recant his war vote plays into the President's hands.
Aug 17, 2004 / Column / Robert Scheer
Alternative Visions Alternative Visions
Dr. Marc regularly answers readers' questions on matters relating to medicine, healthcare and politics. To send a query, click here.
Aug 12, 2004 / Column / Dr. Marc Siegel
PBS Adds Insult to Injury PBS Adds Insult to Injury
Click here to ask PBS CEO Patricia Mitchell to reconsider the network's new conservative slant. CORRECTION: The Dow Jones Corporation's total revenue (not profit) topped $1.5 bil...
Aug 12, 2004 / Column / Eric Alterman
Bush, After Saying He’ll Cede Hollywood to the Democrats Because He Has the Regular People Behind Him, Sings a Song to That Effect, to the Tune of That Old Bush, After Saying He’ll Cede Hollywood to the Democrats Because He Has the Regular People Behind Him, Sings a Song to That Effect, to the Tune of That Old
Regular people, just plain working folks Always stood out in my eyes. I scorn all those people who drink wine instead Of eating Frito pies.
Aug 12, 2004 / Column / Calvin Trillin
One More Chalabi Black Eye One More Chalabi Black Eye
A close alliance between Iraq and the fanatical ayatollahs of Iran is the most likely accomplishment of the US invasion.
Aug 10, 2004 / Column / Robert Scheer
Kerry’s Past Is the Key to His Future Kerry’s Past Is the Key to His Future
The paranoia that young Kerry warned against is now a staple of the Bush re-election campaign, and Kerry must meet it head-on.
Aug 3, 2004 / Column / Robert Scheer
Ditch the Distraction in Chief Ditch the Distraction in Chief
Last month, I reluctantly joined the Anybody But Bush camp. It was "Bush in a Box" that finally got me, a gag gift my brother gave my father on his sixty-sixth birthday.
Jul 29, 2004 / Column / Naomi Klein
He’s the (Any)One He’s the (Any)One
Can someone win the presidency entirely on the basis of a negative asset?
Jul 29, 2004 / Books & the Arts / Alexander Cockburn
Let’s Not Devalue Ourselves Let’s Not Devalue Ourselves
It says something about the iron grip of the culture wars on our politics that no less a liberal than John Kerry--with his 100 percent ratings from NARAL, Human Rights Campaign, ...
Jul 29, 2004 / Column / Katha Pollitt