Blond Ambition Blond Ambition
Hillary Clinton's autobiography comes out barely a week after Martha Stewart is indicted for obstruction of justice and fraud related to alleged insider trading, and you still ...
Jun 12, 2003 / Column / Katha Pollitt
Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld And, Alas, Powell Talk To the American People Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld And, Alas, Powell Talk To the American People
They pushed the CIA to say That nukes could quickly come our way-- Saddam might, with a finger snap, Remove Chicago from the map.
Jun 12, 2003 / Column / Calvin Trillin
Bad Iraq Data From Start to Finish Bad Iraq Data From Start to Finish
Americans were duped: Evidence of Administration manipulation and mendacity just keeps rolling in.
Jun 11, 2003 / Column / Robert Scheer
Downsizing in Disguise Downsizing in Disguise
The streets of Baghdad are a swamp of crime and uncollected garbage. Battered local businesses are going bankrupt, unable to compete with cheap imports.
Jun 5, 2003 / Column / Naomi Klein
The New Mobility The New Mobility
A recent article in the Washington Post described some suburban high schoolers preparing for their proms by spending nearly $3,000 to rent an H2 Hummerzine, "complete with six ...
Jun 5, 2003 / Column / Patricia J. Williams
We’re Shocked, Shocked! We’re Shocked, Shocked!
It's hard to choose which deserves the coarser jeer: the excited baying in the press about the nondiscovery of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, or the wailing about the 3-t...
Jun 5, 2003 / Column / Alexander Cockburn
Report on the Search For Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq, From the Republican Military Command (Karl Rove, Lt. General, Commanding) Report on the Search For Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq, From the Republican Military Command (Karl Rove, Lt. General, Commanding)
We can't yet find the nukes and gas, Though we have looked in every section. But we may find them in Iran-- And just before the next election.
Jun 5, 2003 / Column / Calvin Trillin
How Their Big Lie Came to Be How Their Big Lie Came to Be
Leave it to a Marine to be blunt. When Lieut. Gen.
Jun 3, 2003 / Column / Robert Scheer
Pentagon Aims Guns at Lynch Reports Pentagon Aims Guns at Lynch Reports
It is one thing when the talk-show bullies who shamelessly smeared the last President, even as he attacked the training camps of Al Qaeda, now term it anti-American or even treas...
May 30, 2003 / Column / Robert Scheer