Strange Fruit Strange Fruit
I have a friend who is the only black person living in his luxury cooperative building. A few years back, there was a get-to-know-your-neighbor party.
Dec 23, 2002 / Column / Patricia J. Williams
Republican Anger at Trent Lott Republican Anger at Trent Lott
Republicans feel anger, unconcealed, Because Trent Lott revealed what he revealed. They've always reassured the racist clods
Dec 18, 2002 / Column / Calvin Trillin
It’s That Time Again… It’s That Time Again…
What a rotten year!
Dec 18, 2002 / Column / Katha Pollitt
Raines of Fire Raines of Fire
New York Times executive editor Howell Raines shares, with his fellow liberal Southerner Al Gore, a talent for driving his opponents batty.
Dec 18, 2002 / Column / Eric Alterman
Iraq After D-Day: The Cordesman Memo Iraq After D-Day: The Cordesman Memo
Napoleon would sketch out in an afternoon the new constitution and legal arrangements for one of France's imperial conquests.
Dec 12, 2002 / Column / Alexander Cockburn
Reasons for Doubt Reasons for Doubt
When I was in college, I joined a court-watching project in Roxbury, Massachusetts. We observed criminal trials, then interviewed judges, lawyers and witnesses.
Dec 12, 2002 / Column / Patricia J. Williams
New Federal Hires New Federal Hires
So Elliott Abrams (the felon) is back, And Poindexter's now a big cheese. High-level appointments now favor the guys With rap sheets instead of CVs.
Dec 12, 2002 / Column / Calvin Trillin
What if the Hunt for ‘Evildoers’ Aimed at Us? What if the Hunt for ‘Evildoers’ Aimed at Us?
The negative response from the Bush Administration to the UN inspections in Iraq could be dismissed as childish pique were it not so telling an evocation of the image of the Ugly...
Dec 10, 2002 / Column / Robert Scheer
Microwaves, the ‘Underinsured’ & Drug Companies Microwaves, the ‘Underinsured’ & Drug Companies
Dr. Marc answers readers' question every other week. To send a query, click here.
Dec 10, 2002 / Column / Dr. Marc Siegel