
Cheney’s Grimy Trail in Business Cheney’s Grimy Trail in Business

Vice President Dick Cheney has spent most of the past year in hiding, ostensibly from terrorists, but increasingly it seems obvious that it is Congress, the Securities and Exchan...

Jul 17, 2002 / Column / Robert Scheer

A Fox Is About to Reassure Us Hens A Fox Is About to Reassure Us Hens

For President Bush to pretend to be shocked that some of the nation's top executives deal from a stacked deck is akin to a madam feigning surprise that sexual favors have been so...

Jul 9, 2002 / Column / Robert Scheer

Values Fall Prey to Hypocrisy Values Fall Prey to Hypocrisy

For a long time now, we secular humanists and other skeptics have been denigrated as the apostles of decadence and social decay.

Jul 9, 2002 / Column / Robert Scheer

On the Congressional Response to the ‘Under God’ Controversy On the Congressional Response to the ‘Under God’ Controversy

They pledge allegiance to the thought That every politician ought To take a stand that's foursquare for the Lord. They think if they say, "God is great! Don't separate him fr...

Jul 3, 2002 / Column / Calvin Trillin

Tinkering With the Death Machine Tinkering With the Death Machine

The essential case for the abolition of capital punishment has long been complete, whether it is argued as an overdue penal reform, as a shield against the arbitrary and the irrepa...

Jul 3, 2002 / Column / Christopher Hitchens

School’s Out School’s Out

When the New York City Board of Education called on public schools to bring back the Pledge of Allegiance in the wake of 9/11, my daughter, a freshman at Stuyvesant High, thoug...

Jul 3, 2002 / Column / Katha Pollitt

God’s Got Nothing to Do With the Pledge of Allegiance Furor God’s Got Nothing to Do With the Pledge of Allegiance Furor

Belief in God is not the issue in the continuing brouhaha over the constitutionality of the Pledge of Allegiance. Rather, it's the government's endorsement of a monotheistic God.

Jul 2, 2002 / Column / Robert Scheer

Who’s Afraid of Cornel West? Who’s Afraid of Cornel West?

Writing in a forthcoming issue of The Journal of Israeli History about Israeli revisionism, Mark Lilla of the University of Chicago's Committee on Social Thought makes the obse...

Jun 27, 2002 / Column / Eric Alterman

Death, Juries and Scalia Death, Juries and Scalia

Amid all the recent assaults on the Bill of Rights, including the latest trashing in the USA Patriot Act and the denial of habeas corpus to citizens, amid all this, in the span...

Jun 27, 2002 / Column / Alexander Cockburn

A Crisis of Faith Brought On by Martha Stewart A Crisis of Faith Brought On by Martha Stewart

Agnostic's what he was, had always been. He'd never prayed a prayer, confessed a sin. He's thinking, though, if Martha goes to jail, On Sundays henceforth he will never fail ...

Jun 27, 2002 / Column / Calvin Trillin
