Bush Overplays the Terror Card Bush Overplays the Terror Card
Has the war on terrorism become the modern equivalent of the Roman Circus, drawing the people's attention away from the failures of those who rule them?
Jun 26, 2002 / Column / Robert Scheer
A Second Gilded Age A Second Gilded Age
Would it be too early to sense a sudden, uncovenanted shift against the corporate ethic, if ethic is the word? I can barely turn the page of a newspaper or magazine without strikin...
Jun 20, 2002 / Column / Christopher Hitchens
Ashcroft [heart] Iran Ashcroft [heart] Iran
What would the world look like if women had full human rights? If girls went to school and young women went to college in places where now they are used as household drudges an...
Jun 20, 2002 / Column / Katha Pollitt
In Martha Stewart’s Kitchen In Martha Stewart’s Kitchen
The camera pans across the room To see what she has made: An omelette or a spring bouquet Or just an inside trade.
Jun 20, 2002 / Column / Calvin Trillin
Flicking Fallen Angels Off the Head of a Pin Flicking Fallen Angels Off the Head of a Pin
Never did I expect to feel sorrow and pity for the Catholic Church, yet I confess that I do.
Jun 19, 2002 / Column / Robert Scheer
Affirmative Action Reaction Affirmative Action Reaction
Affirmative action, while generally a good and necessary thing, has always been more complicated than its supporters admit. It inspires a backlash; it often promotes people who...
Jun 13, 2002 / Column / Eric Alterman
Arafat, by Feeding on Martyrdom, Dooms His People Arafat, by Feeding on Martyrdom, Dooms His People
Yasser Arafat should step aside.
Jun 13, 2002 / Column / Robert Scheer
Terrorism as Normalcy Terrorism as Normalcy
Gangbangers with dirty bombs! Now we're talking. The big news about the latest suspected terror bomber is not that he now calls himself Al Muhajir but that he was formerly Jos&...
Jun 13, 2002 / Column / Alexander Cockburn
Department of Earth Security Department of Earth Security
The EPA cites chapter, and some verse, To show this warming's making matters worse. It's getting worse no matter how you score it. So here's the plan: They think we should ign...
Jun 13, 2002 / Column / Calvin Trillin
Cheney’s Head: An Explanation Cheney’s Head: An Explanation
One mystery I've tried to disentangle: Why Cheney's head is always at an angle. He tries to come on straight, and yet I can't Help notice that his head is at a slant. When Ch...
Jun 6, 2002 / Column / Calvin Trillin