One Problem One Problem
Yes, jury trials in public are a right, Says Cheney. Then he says that in this fight No terrorist deserves that sort of trial, Though otherwise it's certainly our style. Without a trial, though, how do we decide To whom this definition is applied? We grab a guy, but is the guy we've got An undeserving terrorist or not?
Nov 29, 2001 / Column / Calvin Trillin
US Can’t Just Hit and Run US Can’t Just Hit and Run
Ronald Reagan celebrated them as "freedom fighters" for upholding "the ideals of freedom and independence" and declared a day in their honor.
Nov 27, 2001 / Column / Robert Scheer
Disorder in the Court Disorder in the Court
George W. Bush wants to try terror suspects in in secret military courts. Guilt is presumed over innocence.
Nov 21, 2001 / Column / Patricia J. Williams
Freedom Is History (and Vice Versa) Freedom Is History (and Vice Versa)
George W. Bush, whose administration is addicted to secrecy, wants presidential papers classified indefinitely, not for the usual 12 years.
Nov 21, 2001 / Column / Eric Alterman
Where Were They When It Counted? Where Were They When It Counted?
Bush Administration hijacks the Constitution with the Patriot Act and military tribunals; our supine media wakes up (briefly); Congress sleeps
Nov 21, 2001 / Column / Alexander Cockburn
Liberty Is Dying, Liberal by Liberal Liberty Is Dying, Liberal by Liberal
Sadly, the old slander that a liberal is someone who has never been mugged is turning out to be true.
Nov 20, 2001 / Column / Robert Scheer
Images in a Rearview Mirror Images in a Rearview Mirror
Events in the recent past are receding as the ominous future comes into focus.
Nov 15, 2001 / Column / Christopher Hitchens
Autumn in New York Autumn in New York
With a turn of season comes a turn of politicians—now we've got a billionaire mayor.
Nov 15, 2001 / Column / Katha Pollitt
The Republican Plan to Stimulate the Economy The Republican Plan to Stimulate the Economy
It's very hard to estimate Just what it takes to stimulate A corporation, but we know These people need a lot of dough, And so, if no one else objects, We'll cut them some humongous checks. But stimulating them is tough. A billion may not be enough To spur a corporation while It keeps its CEO in style. It's possible we should explore Some way that we can give them more. We may just give them all we've got: It takes a lot to get them hot.
Nov 15, 2001 / Column / Calvin Trillin