The Beat The Beat
MILLION-DOLLAR BASH Organizers of the April 20-22 Summit of the Americas in Quebec City were following standard protocol for meetings of trade-pact negotiators when they invited mu...
Mar 30, 2001 / Column / John Nichols
This Warning May Be Hazardous to Your Health This Warning May Be Hazardous to Your Health
A woman two months pregnant goes to see her Ob-Gyn for prenatal care. As required by law, her doctor informs her that her condition places her at greater risk for a wide range of...
Mar 30, 2001 / Column / Katha Pollitt
On the Bush Administration Rescinding Stricter Limits on Arsenic in Drinking Water On the Bush Administration Rescinding Stricter Limits on Arsenic in Drinking Water
Yes, arsenic's in what we drink. That's not as scary as you think. Sure, hidden in the stroganoff It's used for knocking people off. But in your water it's OK. That's what t...
Mar 30, 2001 / Column / Calvin Trillin
Tweedledee, Indeed Tweedledee, Indeed
My dictionary defines "myopia" as "a lack of discernment or long-range perspective in thinking or planning." This would have been a pretty good definition of the accusation...
Mar 22, 2001 / Column / Eric Alterman
The Noise on I-40 The Noise on I-40
Drive across the United States, mostly on Interstate 40, and you have plenty of time to listen to the radio. Even more time than usual if, to take my own situation, you're ...
Mar 22, 2001 / Column / Alexander Cockburn
On Bush Breaking His Campaign Pledge To Limit Carbon Dioxide Emissions* On Bush Breaking His Campaign Pledge To Limit Carbon Dioxide Emissions*
Yes, W. once took the view That CO2 is bad for you. He says he's had a turnabout: We make this stuff when breathing out, So dangerous is what it's not. From lobbyists you le...
Mar 22, 2001 / Column / Calvin Trillin
Fallen Idols Fallen Idols
In many instances, those who fetishize holy objects or sacred places are the very ones who exhibit the most depraved indifference to human life.
Mar 15, 2001 / Column / Christopher Hitchens
Letters to the Office of Faith-Based Initiatives Letters to the Office of Faith-Based Initiatives
Honored Infidel, In the near future we plan to expand our faith-based initiative, Holy Terror Sandblasting and Demolition Corp. New York Ci...
Mar 15, 2001 / Column / Katha Pollitt
On the White House Dress Code On the White House Dress Code
The President's demanding proper dress-- A tie, a coat, a shine on shoes or boots. Some citizens may find this a relief: We've now returned to government by suits.
Mar 15, 2001 / Column / Calvin Trillin
When Ignorance Is Bliss When Ignorance Is Bliss
I have eaten more than my share of Whoppers in my forty-one years. As a teenager I liked them so much I'd worry about whether I could afford another one while still eating the fi...
Mar 8, 2001 / Column / Eric Alterman