
Vaginal Politics Vaginal Politics

Imagine Madison Square Garden brimming over with 18,000 laughing and ebullient women of every size, shape, age and color, along with their male friends, ditto. Imagine that in th...

Feb 15, 2001 / Books & the Arts / Katha Pollitt

A Short Course on Getting a Presidential Pardon While a Fugitive From Justice A Short Course on Getting a Presidential Pardon While a Fugitive From Justice

Apply a little grease (Denise). Then buy yourself an in (Jack Quinn).

Feb 15, 2001 / Column / Calvin Trillin

Sorry, Wrong President Sorry, Wrong President

New recounts show that the wrong man is in the Oval Office.

Feb 8, 2001 / Column / Eric Alterman

Dancing With Wolves Dancing With Wolves

The Bush Administration is relying on falsehoods when making its case for opening up Alaska to drilling.

Feb 8, 2001 / Column / Alexander Cockburn

One Bush Scenario One Bush Scenario

With Democrats he must entice, he Has proven good at making nicey. So now, if everyone relaxes, He'll sharply cut all rich folks' taxes And help the oil biz and tobacco And nominate some right-wing wacko As Justice--qualified, he'll promise, Like Daddy did with Clarence Thomas. The Democrats will fold in batches, And light cigars with White House matches.

Feb 8, 2001 / Column / Calvin Trillin

Wiesel Words Wiesel Words

Is there a more contemptible poseur and windbag than Elie Wiesel? I suppose there may be. But not, surely, a poseur and windbag who receives (and takes as his due) such grotesque d...

Feb 1, 2001 / Column / Christopher Hitchens

No Olive Branch No Olive Branch

How many times did we hear during the endless campaign that Bush wouldn't go after abortion if elected? Republicans, Naderites and countless know-it-alls and pundits in between a...

Feb 1, 2001 / Column / Katha Pollitt

Lessons Drawn From the Marc Rich Pardon Lessons Drawn From the Marc Rich Pardon

As proven by this pardon, Two facts of life prevail: The rich have got the money And everything's for sale.

Feb 1, 2001 / Column / Calvin Trillin

Which Way W.? Which Way W.?

As the proverbial curtain rises on the Bush era in national politics, it's hard to know just how pessimistic progressives should be about the new President's aims and intentions....

Jan 26, 2001 / Column / Eric Alterman

From San Juan Hill to Chengue From San Juan Hill to Chengue

He had a busy finale, didn't he, primarily saving his own hide and issuing pardons: eeny meeny miny mo, Marc Rich yes, Leonard Peltier no. In Rolling Stone he called for an end t...

Jan 26, 2001 / Column / Alexander Cockburn
