Missing in Action Missing in Action
The candidates are constantly reviewed. The questions raised by analysts include: Will Pat Buchanan matter as a mauler?
Nov 18, 1999 / Column / Calvin Trillin
The Effect on His Campaign of the Release of George W. Bush’s College Transcript The Effect on His Campaign of the Release of George W. Bush’s College Transcript
Obliviously on he sails, With marks not quite as good as Quayle's.
Nov 11, 1999 / Column / Calvin Trillin
The Seven-Year (Old) Snitch The Seven-Year (Old) Snitch
Woe unto the denizens of the Washington press corps when the rest of the world discovers Bob Somerby's Web site, The Daily Howler (www.dailyhowler.com
Nov 4, 1999 / Column / Eric Alterman
Admiration From Afar Admiration From Afar
They like the way he's not afraid to say That money lets the fat cats get their way. They like his style, the fact he doesn't pander.
Nov 4, 1999 / Column / Calvin Trillin
California’s Gulag on Trial California’s Gulag on Trial
Welcome to Corcoran State Prison, 170 miles northwest of Los Angeles in the San Joaquin Valley; built at a cost of $271.9 million on what was once Tulare Lake, home of the Tachi ...
Nov 4, 1999 / Column / Alexander Cockburn
Our Rigged Elections Our Rigged Elections
Some things may be true even if Pat Buchanan says them, and the inescapable fact is that the 2000 presidential election has so far been a rigged affair, bearing more resemblance ...
Oct 28, 1999 / Column / Christopher Hitchens
Trump Bump Trump Bump
His real estate is in a slump And wifey's proving hard to dump And everyone he called a chump Would like to see him on his rump.
Oct 28, 1999 / Column / Calvin Trillin
A Family Dynamics Analysis of Elizabeth Dole’s Withdrawal A Family Dynamics Analysis of Elizabeth Dole’s Withdrawal
Though Bob has said he's giddy over Liddy, He didn't do a lot to help her, did he.
Oct 28, 1999 / Column / Calvin Trillin
Anti-Choice, Anti-Child Anti-Choice, Anti-Child
One of the favorite tactics of pro-lifers--especially ones who are self-described "progressives"--is to accuse abortion rights supporters of being anti-child, hyperindividualisti...
Oct 28, 1999 / Column / Katha Pollitt

Thoughts About Kenneth Starr as He Leaves Office Thoughts About Kenneth Starr as He Leaves Office
Some ask, “Is there a more self-righteous man?” Or “Was he really out for Clinton’s blood?” Some citizens are left with only this: “Amazing how…
Oct 21, 1999 / Column / Calvin Trillin