
The Price of Vigilance The Price of Vigilance

Good Christian kids must study Tinky Winky To try to catch him doing something kinky.

Feb 18, 1999 / Column / Calvin Trillin

Footnote to History Footnote to History

From Blumenthal and Hitchens having lunch, A sideshow has emerged that causes spec- Ulation touching ethics and such things:

Feb 11, 1999 / Column / Calvin Trillin

Minority Report Minority Report

On February 26 last, my old friend Sidney Blumenthal emerged from the grand jury and made a bravura appearance on the courthouse steps in Washington, DC.

Feb 11, 1999 / Column / Christopher Hitchens

The Principal Remaining Argument for an Extended Impeachment Trial The Principal Remaining Argument for an Extended Impeachment Trial

It might make sense to end it now, except That wouldn't show the managers respect. So even if their case now seems inert,

Feb 4, 1999 / Column / Calvin Trillin

On Olympic Bribery On Olympic Bribery

'Twas said the honest folks of Salt Lake City Deplored sins large and even itty-bitty. But, trying for the Games, they thought it pretty

Jan 28, 1999 / Column / Calvin Trillin

A Cold War Over the Cold War? A Cold War Over the Cold War?

Yale University Press's Annals of Communism series, begun in 1995, is among the most ambitious and influential scholarly undertakings to address the historical role of Communi...

Jan 28, 1999 / Column / Eric Alterman

Justice Over-Decorated Is Justice Denied Justice Over-Decorated Is Justice Denied

Chief Justice Rehnquist now presides. He rules the chamber that decides If Clinton should remain or go. This role's important, that we know.

Jan 21, 1999 / Column / Calvin Trillin

Friends, Romans, Countrymen Friends, Romans, Countrymen

The networks are busy interviewing everyone with a law degree about what to expect from the impeachment trial of President Clinton.

Jan 21, 1999 / Column / Patricia J. Williams

One Lesson of the Impeachment of William Jefferson Clinton One Lesson of the Impeachment of William Jefferson Clinton

The middle names we have are, as a rule, Obscure, pretentious, odd or just not cool. So someone named John Bloomingblaise McGill

Jan 14, 1999 / Column / Calvin Trillin

The People vs. Larry Flynt? The People vs. Larry Flynt?

I didn't realize how much I was counting on Larry Flynt until I noticed I had spent Monday evening trying to find on the Web or TV a report of the much-anticipated news conf...

Jan 14, 1999 / Column / Katha Pollitt
