Puzzle No. 1628 Puzzle No. 1628
From the April 17, 1976, issue. Voting has closed for Frank Lewis’s replacement. Winner TBA.
Apr 13, 2011 / Frank W. Lewis
Puzzle No. 1627 Puzzle No. 1627
From the April 10, 1976, issue. Be sure to vote in our contest to pick the new Nation puzzlemeister! ACROSS 1 Rather sudden warning concealing the iron cost, according to the ad. (5,6) 9 and 10 Last words for such as Galahad, as one hears. (4,5) 11 A turkey perhaps used to be a body too small to be divided. (4) 12 Via Roma? Not exactly—rather northeast of it. (7) 13 Fooled someone with a perpendicular broad front. (7) 15 Supporter in an old king’s collection of school buildings. (8) 16 Swift creatures. (6) 18 For a clean sweep, see one who can tell you about it ahead of time! (6) 21 Sort of where the partridge was at Christmas? That’s clever! (8) 24 Butter portion that possibly offers protection. (7) 26 See 3 down 28 At this place she is possessive, to a point. (4) 29 Part of the day one follows with a beautiful and voluptuous woman. (5) 30 See 6 down 31 An unwitting soccer player might get such an admonition to hit the ball. (3,4,4) DOWN 2 and 25 It might offer a solid squeeze, despite the source of power. (9,5) 3 and 26 across Marathon story, as it happens. (7,7) 4 Finds fault with poor horses. (4) 5 Completely big-hearted plaything. (7) 6 and 30 Some kidding around to measure this bird! (9) 7 Alternatively, coming up to a couple of small establishments shows style. (6) 8 Conducted inside, also made for the city. (6) 14 You have to take a lot of interest in this business, or it won’t exist. (5) 17 Damage done to a bent coin on a thing one might play. (9) 19 Cut and copied again? (6) 20 Most of the early surrounding could never be considered ethereal. (7) 22 Good fellow altogether proper like this? (7) 23 Arabian Nights’ Home Guard? (6) 25 See 2 down 27 The habit, in part, of one traditionally on her toes. (4)
Apr 6, 2011 / Frank W. Lewis
Puzzle No. 1626 Puzzle No. 1626
From the April 3, 1976, issue. Be sure to vote in our contest to pick the new Nation puzzlemeister! And don't give up too quickly, but the solutions to the contestants' puzzles are...
Mar 30, 2011 / Frank W. Lewis
Puzzle Contest: Solutions Puzzle Contest: Solutions
The solutions are available, to help you make your decision!
Mar 30, 2011 / The Nation
Puzzle No. 1625 Puzzle No. 1625
From the March 27, 1976, issue. Be sure to vote in our contest to pick the new Nation puzzlemeister!
Mar 23, 2011 / Frank W. Lewis
Puzzle No. 1624 Puzzle No. 1624
From the March 20, 1976, issue. Be sure to vote in our contest to pick the new Nation puzzlemeister!
Mar 16, 2011 / Frank W. Lewis

Five Vie for Puzzler’s Mantle Five Vie for Puzzler’s Mantle
Voting for the next Nation puzzler has now closed. Stay tuned for the announcement of the winner of our Crossword Puzzle Contest!
Mar 9, 2011 / The Nation
Puzzle No. 1623 Puzzle No. 1623
This puzzle originally appeared in the March 13, 1976, issue. Next week we'll have five new ones, by the finalists in the competition to replace Frank W. Lewis.
Mar 3, 2011 / Frank W. Lewis
Puzzle No. 1622 Puzzle No. 1622
This puzzle originally appeared in the March 6, 1976, issue.
Feb 16, 2011 / Frank W. Lewis
Puzzle No. 1621 Puzzle No. 1621
This puzzle originally appeared in the February 28, 2011
Feb 10, 2011 / Frank W. Lewis