Applying for a White House Job Applying for a White House Job
The résumé shows Muslim-hating? Good. Misogyny? That wins some points for men. And bashing immigrants is quite a plus. The model here is Jean-Marie Le Pen.
Nov 17, 2016 / Calvin Trillin
Election Night Election Night
So what couldn’t happen (we’d learned from the polls) Had happened before 12 o’clock. There’s much to discuss about what all this means. But later. Right now I’m in shock.
Nov 10, 2016 / Column / Calvin Trillin
Michelle Obama Michelle Obama
She’s been the star of this campaign— Her style a hit, her speeches stunning. And voters murmur to themselves, “A pity that she isn’t running.”…
Nov 3, 2016 / Column / Calvin Trillin
Alternative Explanation Alternative Explanation
Trump rejects accusations of groping that match the Access Hollywood video.—News reports They lie, he says, and they will soon be sued. He didn’t do that groping most frenetic. Tho…
Oct 27, 2016 / Column / Calvin Trillin
Trump’s Defense Against Groping Accusations Trump’s Defense Against Groping Accusations
He has respect for women, so He couldn’t be at fault— Plus some accusers are, he says, Too ugly to assault.
Oct 20, 2016 / Column / Calvin Trillin
Hot-Mic Tape Brings Late-Inning Defections Hot-Mic Tape Brings Late-Inning Defections
The tape set some Republican Endorsers to revising Their stand on Trump, as if it showed Them anything surprising. When boy to boy, The Donald brags Of women he’d “seduced,” Surpri…
Oct 13, 2016 / Column / Calvin Trillin
On Losing the First Debate On Losing the First Debate
Donald Trump claims that someone may have broken his microphone on purpose, and that Lester Holt asked unfair questions.—News reports A blowhard’s ID is revealed by one sign: How q…
Oct 6, 2016 / Column / Calvin Trillin
Transparency Transparency
Two million Wells Fargo customers had accounts opened in their names without their knowledge. —News reports A body cam shows what cops do. For that we all give thanks. But now we n…
Sep 29, 2016 / Column / Calvin Trillin
Dangerous Rhetoric Dangerous Rhetoric
Hate crimes against Muslims up 78 percent. —News reports So what could have caused this precipitous rise— This increase in arson and hate-based assault? If Islamophobic remarks pav…
Sep 22, 2016 / Column / Calvin Trillin
Trump’s Black Outreach Trump’s Black Outreach
He now tells black folks at a church That he’s the savior who’s been sent to them. He’s loved black people all his life— Although not quite enough to rent to them.
Sep 8, 2016 / Column / Calvin Trillin