
New York MTA MetroCard

Public Transportation Is a Necessity. Why Does New York Price It Like a Luxury? Public Transportation Is a Necessity. Why Does New York Price It Like a Luxury?

It’s time for the city to subsidize MetroCards for low-income New Yorkers.

Jan 6, 2017 / David R. Jones and Nancy Rankin

Asking for a Friend: How Can I Embrace Kinky Sex in a ‘Pussy-Grabbing’ Era?

Asking for a Friend: How Can I Embrace Kinky Sex in a ‘Pussy-Grabbing’ Era? Asking for a Friend: How Can I Embrace Kinky Sex in a ‘Pussy-Grabbing’ Era?

Another reader wants to know: Should I dispute my distant relatives’ awful opinions?

Jan 6, 2017 / Liza Featherstone

Trump Mar-a-lago

The Confirmation Process Is an Opportunity to Expose Trump’s Big Lie The Confirmation Process Is an Opportunity to Expose Trump’s Big Lie

Activists should highlight the president-elect’s bait-and-switch from fake populist to country-club reactionary.

Jan 4, 2017 / The Nation

Trump Is Capitalizing on the Anxiety Caused by the End of Steady Employment

Trump Is Capitalizing on the Anxiety Caused by the End of Steady Employment Trump Is Capitalizing on the Anxiety Caused by the End of Steady Employment

Liberals should speak to workers’ experience of precarity.

Dec 28, 2016 / Mike Konczal

Mississippi Prison Riot

Obama’s DOJ Says It One More Time: Private Prisons Aren’t Working Obama’s DOJ Says It One More Time: Private Prisons Aren’t Working

Another audit is perhaps the final piece of official evidence countering Donald Trump’s belief in for-profit incarceration.

Dec 21, 2016 / Seth Freed Wessler

Declassify the Evidence of Russian Hacking!

Declassify the Evidence of Russian Hacking! Declassify the Evidence of Russian Hacking!

The debate over possible intervention in the election should be based on publicly disclosed evidence, not unverifiable, anonymous leaks.

Dec 21, 2016 / The Nation

Obama Was Not an Economic Radical. Trump Will Be.

Obama Was Not an Economic Radical. Trump Will Be. Obama Was Not an Economic Radical. Trump Will Be.

President Obama’s economic reforms were modest—but they’re definitely worth fighting for.

Dec 15, 2016 / Bryce Covert and Mike Konczal

Obama 2008

How Will History Judge Barack Obama? How Will History Judge Barack Obama?

The president succeeded in repairing our institutions—but millions of Americans wanted to blow them up instead.

Dec 15, 2016 / Chris Hayes

Rex Tillerson in Washington

Normalizing Denial: Trump, Tillerson, and Climate Reality Normalizing Denial: Trump, Tillerson, and Climate Reality

A political culture that can accommodate Exxon’s climate denial is a political culture ripe for Trump.

Dec 14, 2016 / Wen Stephenson

Margaret Sullivan on How Trump Trounced the Media

Margaret Sullivan on How Trump Trounced the Media Margaret Sullivan on How Trump Trounced the Media

An interview.

Dec 2, 2016 / John Nichols
