Comix Nation Comix Nation
Jun 17, 2014 / Matt Bors

Snapshot: A Different Kind of Warm-Up Snapshot: A Different Kind of Warm-Up
Brazilian military personnel prepared for the 2014 World Cup by participating in a simulated chemical and radiological attack at the Mané Garrincha National Stadium. The preparations also included crowd-control exercises, decontamination procedures and the inauguration of a Police Peacekeeping Unit Program in Rio de Janeiro.
Jun 17, 2014 / Ueslei Marcelino

Obama’s Climate Regulations: A Step in the Right Direction, but Nowhere Close to What We Need Obama’s Climate Regulations: A Step in the Right Direction, but Nowhere Close to What We Need
How about a 40 percent cut by 2030 based on 1990 levels?
Jun 4, 2014 / The Editors

Why We’re Shocked by White Heroin Use Why We’re Shocked by White Heroin Use
Do white pundits, reporters and TV producers have a no-snitch policy on exposing crises in the white community?
Jun 4, 2014 / Ishmael Reed

Can the Internet Be a ‘People’s Platform’? A Q&A With Astra Taylor Can the Internet Be a ‘People’s Platform’? A Q&A With Astra Taylor
Her new book reconsiders how democratic the digital world really is.
Jun 4, 2014 / Sarah Leonard

Why Is It Illegal to Export American Oil? Why Is It Illegal to Export American Oil?
Some companies want the ban dropped.
Jun 4, 2014 / Simon Davis-Cohen

Comix Nation Comix Nation
Jun 3, 2014 / Matt Bors

Snapshot: Call In the Troops Snapshot: Call In the Troops
With US military operations under way in thirteen African nations, Secretary of State John Kerry has had a lot to talk about. President Obama has presented the US withdrawal from Afghanistan as a way to free up resources for a “broader set of priorities.” On May 21, one week before the speech, eighty troops were sent to Chad.
Jun 3, 2014 / Saul Loeb

Why You Need to Tell the FCC to Save Net Neutrality Now Why You Need to Tell the FCC to Save Net Neutrality Now
The commissioners are considering rules that would allow telecom giants to control it with “pay to play” schemes.
May 21, 2014 / The Editors

Brazil’s Dance With the Devil on the Eve of the World Cup Brazil’s Dance With the Devil on the Eve of the World Cup
The Cup has become a tool for neoliberal plunder—but Brazilians are fighting back.
May 21, 2014 / Dave Zirin